Any scripts you've made or found? Discuss them here.
 #65622  by Zabuza
Ya. ... re=related

its impossible to make it 100 percent, or i dont have the attention span to time it perfectly for 3 hrs.. :P
Code: Select all
echo "Spinning Force Saber by: -[KR]-Zabuza
echo "^1Setting com_maxfps to 30."
com_maxfps 30
+lookdown;wait 100;-lookdown;+lookup;wait 14;-lookup
+moveup;wait 8;-moveup;+altattack;wait 10;-altattack;wait 9;+right;wait 19;-right
wait 30
echo "^1Setting com_maxfps to 120."
com_maxfps 120
save as crazysaber.cfg
/bind <key> exec crazysaber

Edit by zab 5/24/13: Takes about 3 tries, sometimes two.
Last edited by Zabuza on Fri May 24, 2013 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #65623  by AJ
I've seen that, and i recorded u doing it if u want taht posted

 #65629  by jawfin
I guess it comes to no surprise to anyone that I already have this scripted. My version - almost flawless for me, save as a .cfg and bind the exec to a key.
Code: Select all
com_maxfps 30
cl_yawspeed -1100
wait 10
wait 13
wait 44
wait 10
wait 3
cl_yawspeed 140
com_maxfps 85
You need to look down at the ground at the angle of which the saber will be thrown. Looking down to much and altattack does nothing. Just find that angle, is about 20 degrees off level.
Last edited by jawfin on Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #65635  by Akimoto
Good idea to make a script; let me know when it works 100% :P

 #65642  by ForteGigasGos
I started play JO yesterday, already saw someone do that >>