Ya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HzJ-Dkf ... re=related
its impossible to make it 100 percent, or i dont have the attention span to time it perfectly for 3 hrs..
/bind <key> exec crazysaber
Edit by zab 5/24/13: Takes about 3 tries, sometimes two.
its impossible to make it 100 percent, or i dont have the attention span to time it perfectly for 3 hrs..

Code: Select all
save as crazysaber.cfgecho "Spinning Force Saber by: -[KR]-Zabuza
echo "^1Setting com_maxfps to 30."
com_maxfps 30
+lookdown;wait 100;-lookdown;+lookup;wait 14;-lookup
+moveup;wait 8;-moveup;+altattack;wait 10;-altattack;wait 9;+right;wait 19;-right
wait 30
echo "^1Setting com_maxfps to 120."
com_maxfps 120
/bind <key> exec crazysaber
Edit by zab 5/24/13: Takes about 3 tries, sometimes two.
Last edited by Zabuza on Fri May 24, 2013 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
-[KR]-Zabuza*: This is DJ zab bringing you some smooooooth melodies...
-[KR]-Zabuza*: Here's our next one, to bring you some good vibes *8)
"A beacon of borderline admin abuse" - Key 2023-01-28
-[KR]-Zabuza*: Here's our next one, to bring you some good vibes *8)
"A beacon of borderline admin abuse" - Key 2023-01-28