Key wrote:the filter looks for any combinations of characters that resemble a bad word I think ... it doesn't go on a word-to-word basis. For instance, you can't say "grape" on the server either I don't think.
Well Jawfin did updated filter approximately last year, the word grape still works on the server, but the filter didn't fire that, it seems the filter still fire the other inappropriate words.
So ya, That why we have a filter set up, and the rules that goes with it, because we do not accept any cursing language that been using or say on the server. When someone cursing through a filters around 3 times, the person who cursing will be auto silences that coming from the filter. So, the best things is never bypass the filter if it comes with foul language. But if you meant to say an appropriate words, and you caught in the filter, I think you can bypass that. (Councils, please correct me if I am wrong.)