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 #144309  by Kakashi
So hi everyone I don't normally talk about these things, but this kind of irked me slightly. I ended a duel and I was a little overconfident and lost. Afterwords I went to say, "Well that'll learn me for being cocky." not realizing that you all have made "cocky" a "bad word". I'm a little confused perhaps someone could enlighten me


 #144310  by Fluffy
Take out the'y' and you'll have your answer son.
 #144312  by Kakashi
although I understand that word being a bad word. Is it a byproduct of the filter to block all spellings similar to it, because one of these words is not like the other. Maybe i'm just digging too deep, but it seems over censored. perhaps i'm mistake :\
 #144313  by Rogue
Its ok, we have a filter set there for a reasons so no one can cursing on the server which is why we keep chats family and friendly. If you do not means to cursing, but using appropriate words, that understandable.
 #144317  by Key
the filter looks for any combinations of characters that resemble a bad word I think ... it doesn't go on a word-to-word basis. For instance, you can't say "grape" on the server either I don't think.
 #144318  by Rogue
Key wrote:the filter looks for any combinations of characters that resemble a bad word I think ... it doesn't go on a word-to-word basis. For instance, you can't say "grape" on the server either I don't think.
Well Jawfin did updated filter approximately last year, the word grape still works on the server, but the filter didn't fire that, it seems the filter still fire the other inappropriate words.

So ya, That why we have a filter set up, and the rules that goes with it, because we do not accept any cursing language that been using or say on the server. When someone cursing through a filters around 3 times, the person who cursing will be auto silences that coming from the filter. So, the best things is never bypass the filter if it comes with foul language. But if you meant to say an appropriate words, and you caught in the filter, I think you can bypass that. (Councils, please correct me if I am wrong.)
 #144321  by Squidlord
You can't say cockatoo either on the server. Pretty much if the word includes the filtered word in question, it too will be filtered to protect against the possibility that your sentence may be used to insult. Hope this helps
 #144337  by jawfin
Unfortunately the word filter in JA+ is rather stupid. If it just sees a string of letters which it flags on, it can't be trained to work around that. For instance, it will block: analysis, shinaniggans... you get the idea. It picks up so much swearing though that we just suffer this for that sake.
 #144341  by Mandalorian
Isn't there a way to make it detect words with a space before them? Like, instead of looking for, and pardon my using of these words for these examples but, "rape", why not make it look for " rape"? So "grape" won't be affected, but a sentence containing " rape" will, because normally when people type they put spaces between words.
 #144343  by jawfin
Jawfin wrote:
Unfortunately the word filter in JA+ is rather stupid. If it just sees a string of letters which it flags on, it can't be trained to work around that.