This post is to be used for any KR member, past or present, as either a reference point, or someone who just wants a walk down memory lane! 
I've designed this list to be a comprehensive and organized place where all members of KR from all time periods information is stored. As you can imagine, this was extremely difficult to pull off, and will not ever be 100% completed.
Any KR member who wants information added to this list may post ... php?t=6764 there. If you are a past member and cannot see that post, you may contact me through PM. I will update this list as frequently as changes are made within the clan.
Here is the format the entries are in:
So, without further ado, here they are, in order of when they got into the clan (sorry to older members, I have no idea what order you guys were in):

I've designed this list to be a comprehensive and organized place where all members of KR from all time periods information is stored. As you can imagine, this was extremely difficult to pull off, and will not ever be 100% completed.
Any KR member who wants information added to this list may post ... php?t=6764 there. If you are a past member and cannot see that post, you may contact me through PM. I will update this list as frequently as changes are made within the clan.
Here is the format the entries are in:
Note that some may not be able to see every link.
1. Name and former names (also a link to your forum profile on your current name)
2. Who invited/how you got into the clan
3. Join Date
4. Highest rank held (Current rank)
5. Master(s)
6. Padawan(s)
7. Left/rejoined count
8. Any additional info
So, without further ado, here they are, in order of when they got into the clan (sorry to older members, I have no idea what order you guys were in):
Fluffy wrote:
1. Groovy, KFC, Fluffy
2. I'm a founding member. So I invited myself to my own party ^^
3. April 2004
4. Clan leader/Council/(Honorary) (Inactive)
5. None, I'm an orphan and nobody loved me until I was in KR T_T
6. Newspaper Ninja, Faia, Dj Blade/Squall, maybe more I forgot?
7. 0/0 (does several years of inactivity count?)
8. I don't think so!!
Wolferion wrote:
1. Kyousuke (Wolferion, Sirion)
2. Lessa & Templar
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Arbiter, (Inactive)
5. Templar, RoNin
6. Love Yuna, Guardian,donykerio
7. 0/1
8. ~
Nintendo wrote:
1. (Nintendo), Nintendo{FK}
2. -[KR]- (Fluffy, JDA) {FK}(TenaciousA, /<yle)
3. Cant remember honestly. about 2 weeks from clans birth.
4. Jedi Arbiter, (Honorary Member)
5. Officially none, unofficially {FK}TenaciousA
6. JDA{FK}(single), DevilSpawn(duals/single), Kane(single), Undertaker(single), TraceMadune, BloodRose(staff) If I forgot anyone else im sry.
7. Honestly dont know the count anymore
8. Was in FK before it split to KR. Never had a chance/honor to have a master. Was the only Master/Arbiter allowed to train padawans in all 3 sabers though due to conflicting rules one had to be dropped. Have a extreme love for KR (specifically Raven). I have 2 kids (4 and 2).
Dirge wrote:
1. Undertaker, Dirge on all other games i play online
2. i was not invited, instead i applied, im a ooooold member
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Nintendo, Sarah, Zabuza
6. I had one at one point, couldnt remember who he was, he has since left the clan.
7. Left 2 times, rejoined once, hopefully 2 =P
8. I was server hopping when i found this clan, i remember the original Council, i was also accepted with Raven, and Darfin. i regret every day that i should of stayed and kept up with my rank, who knows i could of became a council member, or Arib, but instead, life came down and bit me on the ass, with several complications.
Stealth wrote:
1. Stealth
2. Joined when it was open recruitment. No invite necessary
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Darfin/Panther/Lessa/Nintendo.. it was a join effort considering the absences from darfin
6. Darth Sidious? Very long ago, Shadow
7. Was forced out once due to inactivity but got reinstated, One/0
8. Used to be a pretty good saberist.. back in the day
HIME wrote:
2. Lessa, Ronin, Templar, Sparky.....(yes, I am old)
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Arbiter (Ex-Member)
5. SDanger, Nintendo, Raven
6. Tricky, Sidious, Scythe
7. 0/0.....(attempted but failed due to to everyone's support back then)
8. Ask Raven....she knows that I am old
RVCA wrote:
1. Jake, Broke, RVCA
2. Lessa
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Arbiter (Inactive)
5. Seay, Zabuza
6. Sunflower(knight) Bootstrap(left as padawan) Sean(knight) LiveEvil(Knight) Arsenal16(Master I believe), Hosh-Pak, Taust, Tricky
7. (One/One)
8. Since the old forums are long gone, the only evidence I have are two old screen shots I found of my ex-pad and I in a tffa and a match between my ex-master, ex-pad agaisnt my new clan after we left KR. one|two
Kane wrote:
1. Kane, formerly known as Kitty Kitty
2. I applied
3. Subtract a week from when Raven joined... it was sometime around then :S
4. Council I believe, (Honorary Member)
5. Nintendo
6. Bdog Ice, Kenshin, Raziel
7. Not sure ive ever left, ive been long term absent a fair deal though
8. Back when I joined to avoid confusion I chose the name Kane as no-one could work out whether I was a guy or a girl... I suppose I asked for that with the name Kitty Kitty, I do remember being interrogated by Fluffy on the matter... that was scary.
RaVeN wrote:
1. RaVeN
2. Applied
3. Unknown
4. Jedi Council, (Honorary Member)
5. RoNin
6. Rage, Grimm, Stump, Gryphon, Wanderer, Keritchi, Wojtas, Chupacabra, Kioshi, Delve, Seive, Tricky, Falcon, Suzie
7. 0/0
8. RaVeN's history
Tricky wrote:
1. tricky
2. Applied -- though it was more or less by RaVeN's request/suggestion
3. Unsure. Probably a few months after RaVeN?
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Ivy, Hime, RaVeN, Cloud, RVCA
6. Lianna
7. Two/Two
8. Details are fuzzy....![]()
Tybo wrote:
1. Tybo, Akimoto, Naraku, Naru
2. I applied and got accepted. (Inviting myself lol)
3. Unknown
4. All up to Jedi Guardian (Ex-Member)
5. Master(s): EvilIvy, Lessa, Zabuza, Falcon
6. Padawan(s): Fall (I believe there have been a few more. However they quit/disappeared.)
7. Left/rejoined count: One, Two, Three
I have left KR 2 times because of:
#1: K-1 (real life friend) wanted me to join his clan.
#2: I rq because of a woman that made my stay in KR miserable. Ironically, she got kicked out of KR within 24 hours since my resignation. I rejoined the same day she left.
My nickname; "Akimoto" was decided and approved by Lessa.
Changed my name from Naraku because I wanted to make a "fresh start", erasing my past crimes. lol
DarkLink wrote:
1. DarkLink - Essentially always kept this name
2. If I was invited, then it was by Darfin, but I can't remember if I had to be invited back then or not...
3. 01 Jul 2006 According to the memberslist, but it must have been before that when they redid the forums causing my real join date to be lost.
4. I believe my highest rank was Knight. (Ex-Member)
5. I'm mostly sure it was Lessa for single saber.
6. I'm sad that I can't remember this.
7. Four/Three I think? It was always due to inactivity.
8. <3 Also, my steam account is Darklink136.
Hosh-Pak wrote:
1. Hosh-Pak, no others on JA+ servers but on base
2. I really dont remember if I applied or got invited..
3. somewhen in 2004? not sure though
4. Jedi Master
5. Kakashi for duals. not sure who was it for single, it might have been templar, RVCA
6. saunby, hawk (changed his name too often), Archaic, Snorlax
7. at least 3 times..
RoNin wrote:
1. Tracker, RoNin (once I became a knight)
2. Recruited by: SDangeR
3. November of 2004
4. Jedi Council, Honorary Member
5. Colonel Angus Followed by SDangeR once angus disappeared.
6. 2 of them I've forgotten thier names its been too long, both left at or before Jedi rank. RaVeN, Sirion, Stump.
7. 0/0
8. Jedi trial:by Fluffy
Found kr:by player tracking Templar
Knight trial performed by Justin(Council) and templar(knight or master) overwatched by Shinzagato(Council), lessa(Knight), fluffy(council), Gotenks(council), Master Dennis(council) Nintendo(master).
Status: Innactive, a ghost that appears every now and again.
Darfin wrote:
1. Darfin
2. Joined before the invite system. Application.
3. March 9th, 2006
4. Council. Heh. Honorary Member
5. Phoenix, EvilIvy
6. Stealth, Capt. Jack, eh, a lot more
7. 0
Squall wrote:
1. Dj, Blade, Dj Blade, Squall
2. Ronin
3. September 20th, 2006
4. Jedi Master (Inactive)
5. Fluffy, Nintendo, R4gnar
6. So many... Jawfin is most notable. - Have to look at old posts.
7. 2 times.
8. Im Irish.. and lovely.
Xero wrote:
1. Caybob, Xero, Polar Bear
2. NinjaSarah
3. January 30th, 2007
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Gospel.exe
6. Striker (dropped, my fault), Turtle, StormKnight
7. Number of times left/rejoined (i lost count)
Saunby wrote:
1. Saunby
2. Phoenix
3. March 5th, 2007
4. Jedi Adept (Ex-Member)
5. Hosh-Pak
6. N/a
7. One/0
8. n/a
Tidus wrote:
1. Jordan. Ru' Mithri. Tidus.
2. Was invited by Rav
3. April 18,2007
4. Jedi Master (Inactive)
5. Scythe, Alex
6. Ninja Sarah and Sidious, TheDoctor
7. One, Two/One, Two, Three
8. I have had a weird history. I found KR in early 2006 and joined in 2007. I have been off and on with this family. I love everyone here and I miss the oldies. I still remember being on Sith Council V2 with Panther and freeing "Fluffy" our pet rancor, and taking him for walks and baths. I have nearly met everyone in this clan, and yet there are a few that have joined and slipped away before i got the chance to meet them. I have a ton of memories with a bunch of you guys, and i will always remember them. I always say "I'm not going to get the chance to return" before I quit. But I some how end up having one of those days when I am talking to Ice and Mutt and I am like "dang, I really wonder how KR is". I have made many great friends here and i treat some like my true family. I <3 you KR.
NinjaSarah wrote:
1. ¥Unknown¥, AngelWolf, WinglessAngel, Angel-FireWolf, NinjaSarah
2. Kakashi. Never invited anyone myself.
3. June 21st, 2007
4. In KR: Jedi Guardian. (Inactive)
In another clan: Council.
5. Tidus.
6. Fox, Undertaker (for a short time), and Taipan.
7. Just once.
8. I found this server by accident when I was running around with some UE buddies. I was indeed in UE for a while. Before that, I was in BR. Before that, I got my older brother in trouble all the time with his clan. I have a Story in the Writers' Corner, and now that I've got my own laptop I'm going to be working on it once more. I'm a horrible procrastinator.
Sniper wrote:
1. Sniper
2. Kakashi
3. July 6th, 2007
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Ice, Eros
6. Loki
7. One/One
8. Oldie but goldie
Zabuza wrote:
1. Zabuza, Leprechaun, MadHatter
2. Shrunkencheese
3. July 9th, 2007
4. Jedi Council, (Padawan)
5. Jawfin, Kenshin, Shrunkencheese, Senbou., Falcon
6. Doomreaver, Dent, Undertaker, Shadowman, Revan, Lianna, Vex Oso, Sidious, RVCA, Cloud, Stein, Jammer, The Emperor's Hand, Darth Rage, quickflint, Fallen, Ayzarious
7. a lot
Exiamu wrote:
1. Captain Jack Sparrow, Exiamu
2. Kakashi
3. July 18th, 2007
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken (Darfin)
6. none
7. did i ever really leave if i was inactive?
8. none
Fox wrote:
1. Fox, Drone, Kauru, Hinata, that's all i can remember.
2. Kakashi
3. August 1st, 2007
4. Jedi Adept (Ex-Member)
5. lol uuuhm....Sarah, and....uh....*shrugs*
6. None! yay I got one right! lol
7. Pf like twice
8. uh....dunno what to put here lol =)
dent wrote:
1. ent, dent
2. Kakashi
3. August 1 2007
4. Jedi Master (Inactive)
5. Darko, Zabuza
6. flynn, Destroyaz, max
7. One
8. None.
Fazz wrote:
1. Fazz
2. Hosh-Pak
3. August 26th, 2007
4. Jedi Council (Inactive)
5. Kakashi, Starcommand
6. ... Kira/Arik , Rugg, Yumari, JaxSteel ... Some other guy who ive forgotten... :S i think it was flapjack?, possibly one other... but i cant remember
7. 98
8. Some of the above is a lie... :S
Cross wrote:
1. Kazuma, Kyp, Cross, Raziel
2. (might be hard for some of you to get a link for this, as you can't see it) Raven=]
3. August 29th, 2007
4. Jedi Master (Inactive)
5. Sidious, Kane, Darfin
6. I'm not sure....Frood? i think the way where is frood!, Scarface, Reflex
7. One/One once i left because of one individuals whos long gone drama and *ego attack*, then second time life hit me hard in the face and before i thought of games i had to get my life on track
8. :
^_____________________________^ should be enough
Loki wrote:
1. Loki
2. Kenshin
3. October 27th, 2007 (Rejoined)
4. Jedi Guardian
5. Sniper, Kenny
6. R4gnar
7. One/One
8. None
echo wrote:
1. Sasuke, Arrow, echo, flynn
2. Sniper
3. November 9th, 2007
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Dent
6. Epicturtle, Zeka
7. Two/One, Two
8. 1st quit here
Falcon wrote:
1. Rachel, Falcon, Tifa
2. dent
3. November 26th, 2007
4. Jedi Council
5. SolSilver, RaVeN (staff), Jawfin (single)
6. Akimoto (left at Adept), Eagle, Evan, Monster ([url=l]left at Padawan[/url]), Lothar, Lianna, brainkillz, Zabuza
7. 0/0
8. Other posts that are important to me: RaVeN taking me, RaVeN certifying me for Jedi, Jedi, Jedi Adept, Jedi Knight, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Master (this one is very special to me), Jedi Arbiter, Jedi Knight (Single), Jedi Master (Single)
BadWolf wrote:
1. Dyyor/Senbou/Senbou., BadWolf
2. Raven
3. November 26th, 2007
4. Jedi Arbiter, Honorary Member
5. Delev (and a little bit of jawfin)
6. Necros (Shadow and the others are not here anymore, plus I didn't get them very far), Alduin
7. One/0
8. ~
Jawfin wrote:
1. Jawfin
2. Doomreaver (news post) (my poll)
3. March 6th, 2008
4. Jedi Council
5. Squall
6. Jato, Tiddlewinks, Downcast, Saffron, Lothar (Aeddan ^Zen Forgotten etc etc), Zabuza & Mendel, Sgt.Snow, MetaDragoon
7. 0/0
8. My other ranks: Arbiter, Master, Knight, Jedi Adept, Jedi, Padawan & Knight of Staff Proof I just didn't tele into Council!!
Necros wrote:
1. Necros
2. Delev
3. July 7th, 2008
4. Jedi Arbiter (Inactive)
5. Senbou/Dyyor
6. Pyra, Storm, Kioshi
7. One/One
8. lolomgwtgdairyqueenbbq
Jato wrote:
1. Jato (any alts are classified above top secret)
2. Fazz
3. July 17th, 2008
4. Jedi Arbiter, Omega Class 7 Master-Shinobi (Inactive)
5. The Jawfinator
6. Blacki and PhreedomPhighter (both were obv trained too well and became so powerful they destroyed themselves and left the guild -.-), Fraea, Wind
7. 0/0
8. This is all classified! I am ninja hell bent on being hell bent on ending an enemy of whom you shall never know as he is trying to end the ninja's reign over the world (pathetically I might add (and if your wondering if ninjas truly rule the world the answer is yes, you just dont know because we're ninjas (duh) and the world is running exactly the way we want it!)) and the rest is too sensitive for non-ninja eyes. Literally. If I told you, your eyes would burst into flames as your intestines turned into gravy and your brain became an unidentifiable pile of jelly as your skin turns black as the abyss your soul is then cast into..........
Eagle wrote:
1. Eagle, Aranion
2. Falcon
3. July 17th, 2008
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Falcon
6. Sion
7. 0/0
Rugg wrote:
1. Rugg420, Rugg
2. Invited by Falcon
3. October 8th, 2008
4. Jedi Arbiter (Inactive)
5. Fazz
6. SilentOne, mons73r (for a time)
7. 0
8. I'm honored to be a part of the KR family and have the privilege of running the Steam group (expect fun things soon)! <3
Pyra wrote:
1. Pyra
2. Rugg
3. January 29th, 2009
4. Jedi Guardian (Ex-Member)
5. Necros
6. Ahsoka
7. One/0
8. I still believe Jaw tele'd into Council and later backtracked to cover his tracks. =P
SilentOne wrote:
1. SilentOne
2. Necros
3. February 25th, 2009
4. Jedi Guardian (Jedi Adept)
5. Rugg (Duals), Sakito (Single)
6. Chaostrain, John
7. 0
8. none
Chaostrain wrote:
1. Always Chaostrain.
2. I can't remember exactly who invited me. I want to say Darfin though. Delev
3. June 19th, 2009
4. Highest rank I believe was either Knight or Guardian (Inactive)
5. SilentOne, Fraea
6. I'm pretty sure I had a padawan, but I can't remember the name of said person. I am ashamed! Bastila
7. 1/1 for sure, maybe even 2/2.
8. This information is me trying to think back about 3 years ago when I was an active member, so bear with me. I really had to dig through my brain to answer some of these questions, so they might not be 100% accurate.
Evan wrote:
1. Evan
2. Jawfin
3. July 12th, 2009
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Falcon
6. AJ
7. 0/0
8. none....
ForteGigasGos wrote:
1. ForteGigasGos, Gospel, Gospel.exe
2. Jawfin
3. August 8th, 2009
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Storm
6. Xero (Caybob)
7. 0/0
8. Took me a second try to get into KR.
Lothar wrote:
1. Lothar ( J4ten zen Forgotten Aeddan you get the point )
2. Taipan
3. November 5th, 2009
4. Jedi Master
4. Phreedom, Jawfin ( Who i highly respect for teaching me in serious detail ), AJ And Falcon
6. Jammer, Sentreth
7. Give me a minute.... One, Two that i can see and remember, However i'm pretty sure it was 3-4 times mainly due to mis communication and mis understandings. 3rd/One
8. Well being one of the people in KR who makes absoloutly no logical sense would just like to throw in my thanks however i would put the funny story here on how i was recruited, Taipan took me off some random server brought me here and i've never stopped playing on kr1 since ^^, I tend to not think of the way i was invited but on the fact that i was voted " Yes" upon as my deciding factor - Just glad i got given the chance reallyAnd in respects to Jonathan and rachel ( Jawfin and Falcon) Its a bit of a privilage to have had two very skilled masters who have taught me quite alot about using my shiny stick which you said to never touch the glowy bit... Still not sure why its so seductive .... Hmmm... OW!
Ahsoka wrote:
1. Ahsoka
2. Pyra
3. November 24th, 2009
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Pyra
6. None
7. None
8. *GLOMP!*
Reflex wrote:
1. Reflex
2. Jawfin
3. December 9th, 2009
4. Padawan (Ex-Member)
5. Cross
6. None
7. One, Two/One
8. None
AJ wrote:
1. eXtremeAJ619, extremeAJ, AJ~
2. Tidu§
3. February 11th, 2010
4. Jedi Council (Inactive)
5. Evan
6. Lothar, MasterM, Mandalorian, donykerio
7. 0/0
8. I'm AJ~ I've had mistakes. Bleh bleh. If you tell me not to do something then I do my best to obey. I'm quiet on forums, I check them everyday though. In-game I can be quiet but if I'm in good mood you'll just know. I've been through alot of crap. KR has helped me through, mostly Fazz <3 which I loves for putting up with my crap :]
Fall wrote:
1. Fall
2. Greed
3. Feburary 25th, 2010
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)(Student)
5. Greed, Akimoto, Jack Skywalker
6. m@d_saber(Francisco)
7. 0/0
8. Inter-clan champ. Jawfin will never take it from me. haha. hopefully i can get it reinstated.
~LK~ wrote:
1. ~LK~
2. Tidus
3. March 29th, 2010
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Greed, Downcast
6. None in KR
7. One/One
8. click me if you dare! I like bunnies
Lianna wrote:
1. Lianna
2. RaVeN/Fazz/Falcon
3. July 2nd, 2010
4. Jedi Knight (Jedi Adept)
5. Zabuza, Falcon, Tricky, Jack Skywalker
6. None
7. One/Two
8. None
Arcanine wrote:
1. PalaToran, Growlithe, Arcanine
2. AJ(*hails AJ*)
3. July 13th, 2010
4. Jedi Guardian (Ex-Member)
5. Greed, Revan, Scarface, Typhlosion, Mandalorian
6. alex, AlonePrince
7. One, Two, Three/One, Two, Three
8. None because you know me already =P
Jammer wrote:
1. Jammer
2. Gospel
3. July 19th, 2010
4. Jedi Arbiter
5. Lothar, Zabuza
6. DragonBlade, Downcast, Dopie
7. 0/0
8. Your system has been jammed.
Cloud wrote:
1. Cloud, Neo, Cloud
2. AJ
3. July 23rd, 2010
4. Jedi Arbiter
5. Zabuza
6. Tricky, Goddess, Exiled, Kirito, Red Lightning
7. One/One
8. None
Revan wrote:
1. Revan (current name)
2. SilentOne
3. July 30th, 2010
4. Jedi Guardian (Inactive)
5. Zabuza (Single)
6. PalaToran
7. 0/0
8. None
Yumari wrote:
1. Yumari, EXceed
2. Fazz
3. August 13th, 2010
4. Jedi Knight (Ex-Member)
5. Fazz
6. None
7. One/One, Two
8. None
MasterM wrote:
1. MasterM
2. Necros
3. August 17th, 2010
4. Jedi Arbiter
5. AJ
6. Yoshimatsu, TheDoctor, Cathy Mitchell
7. 0/0
8. none
LumberWolf wrote:
1. Yoshimatsu, Lady Airto's Prophet...... LumberWolf
2. Fazz
3. November 17th, 2010
4. Jedi Knight (Inactive)
5. Senbou. for a while, then MasterM
6. Sly, Love Yuna
7. 0
8. <possible edit later>
Last edited by Falcon on Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:39 am, edited 71 times in total.

The RaVeN wrote: