Who's at what rank?
 #37962  by BadWolf
Mk, im taking necros, hes pretty cool and we basically decided he was my paddy b4 he even got in lol ^^

 #37965  by Kakashi.Archive
gl u 2 when u get the permission :o

 #37977  by Necros
Yep yep, I want Dyyor to be my master :D

 #37979  by Squall
i say no, because necros cool factor is bigger thna that fo dyyors.. so.. i propose a new master for him lol

Kidding, when you get permission guys goodluck ;)

 #37982  by Nel
:O Cool, Good luck with your training Necro's =]

 #37986  by BadWolf
Squall wrote:i say no, because necros cool factor is bigger thna that fo dyyors.. so.. i propose a new master for him lol

Kidding, when you get permission guys goodluck ;)


<3 squall

 #37990  by Necros
Duel you Rav? Oh man...I've got some training to do ^_^;

 #37992  by Kakashi.Archive
gl u 2 :)

 #38021  by BadWolf


 #38043  by Cross
gl u 2

 #38047  by Starcomand
good luck