Who's at what rank?

 #68090  by Necros
Grats guys :)

 #68091  by Pyra
Grats and best of luck. ^^

 #68093  by AJ
:mrgreen: GL :mrgreen:

 #68097  by Evan
Grats :)

 #68161  by ~LK~
YAY! Hear me roar! ***beats chest*** ... I am now the mighty rank of PADAWAN!!! All tremble before my might!


 #68165  by jawfin
~LK~ wrote:YAY! Hear me roar! ***beats chest*** ... I am now the mighty rank of PADAWAN!!! All tremble before my might!


 #68182  by Phreedom
Gawd knows what he'll do when he gets promoted >.>

 #68184  by ~LK~
Phreedom wrote:Gawd knows what he'll do when he gets promoted >.>
excuse me mister man... I was promoted from student :arrow: padawan!


 #68205  by Phreedom
Next time I mean

 #68210  by ~LK~
Phreedom wrote:Next time I mean
One must take pride and joy in all things, great and small. :wink:

 #68213  by RVCA
The force is strong with this one.

congrats LK! =)

 #68232  by Seraphim
yea, what broke said, nice goin there man

 #68677  by ~LK~
mmuuhhaaa.. 4 more days. The 29th and My three weeks is up.. not that Im excited or anything ;)

 #68679  by Fazz
lol lk, gl

 #68682  by Greed
Lol, I am sincerely extremely sorry that I have been completely inactive. I'm confident you'll pass, but.... D;

You know what it's like when one gets a pwnage new game!

 #68686  by ~LK~
Its ok with me Greed, I know how it is. RV and others have helped train me(unofficially of course) further than I was so no worries.

What game have you been playing?

 #68695  by Greed
Mount and Blade! :D

But jsyk that wasnt the only reason I was inactive. -.-

 #68696  by Greed
Mount and Blade! :D

But jsyk that wasnt the only reason I was inactive. -.-

 #68702  by Lothar
Way to double post :P

 #68902  by ~LK~
Wasnt there something special about today? Hmmm, what was it.. trying to remember. Oh yes lol, I can now take my trials!