Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #5715  by Dirge
the sig i made below is NOOOB but hey i like it but i would like a better one, one of those moveing ones O_o *gets mesmerized by the swirling vortex of the moveing sigs*

To who it may concern!(YAY)

Basically i want like 2 sigs in one saying different things LIKE KANES! or close to kanes....>.> anyway i want the 1st sig to fade to the next one(DO YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?!?!????! XD) in a loop fashion!!! w00t!

this is the pic i would like in the back at all times(meaning it wont change as the sig fades) ... 00h316.jpg
(only a tad smaller)

of cauorse i want the sig to be black and blue(mostly black, text in blue)

1st layer sig (or whatever u would call it XD): in the middle simply in blue have UnderTaker on it in a extremely evil text from(like the Text in my sig below!) not a bright blue a dark blue

2nd layer sig: i would like this on the right side(plz make it blue, dark blue maybe faded too)
and then in small but big enough text to read in(in dark blue) have this on the left
And when they heard of the dead, some mocked... and others said, we shall hear thee again of this matter. Acts 17:32 (inculde the Acts 17:32)
and i want this layer to stay a bit longer than the 1st so people can read it then repeat(rinse wash repeat)

there u go, i would really apperiate it (I CANT SPELL X_X)

 #5741  by Wolferion
If i fix the virusburst, then i could make you animation signature. ( If you want to )

 #5753  by virus

here undertaker a sig for u hope you like it

i had some trouble with the undertaker logo so i only took the HIM logo !!

enjoy it and I hope you like it !!


 #5758  by Dirge
i like it Virus but lets see what Sirion can do if he cant do ill take yours , it looks great to ;)

 #5759  by Tricky
Animation is overrated. Eventually people are all gonna have long animated sigs that will 'cause one thread to take 3 times as long to load.

 #5769  by Dirge
ummm ok? i really dont care if there overrated i just want one! lol

 #5770  by virus

you should have kept it for your self raven :P

hope you enjoy it taker

if you perhaps like so mething to change just ask me :roll:


 #5771  by Wolferion
Tricky... When i know what animation someone know, i can make it long, but i dont need long animated sigs for meh :P I will make you one , Taker. Just firstly i need to get out this damn Virusburst and what animation things you want on it =)

 #5773  by Dirge
just a fadeing effect really.....from one layer to another like i described above nothing too fancy maybe some lighting in the back?

 #5775  by Melissa
Sirion wrote:Tricky... When i know what animation someone know, i can make it long, but i dont need long animated sigs for meh :P I will make you one , Taker. Just firstly i need to get out this damn Virusburst and what animation things you want on it =)
my sisters already gave u a tool to help remove it

 #5778  by Squall
i absolutly hate animated sigs it annoys me. i used to love flash sigs ( you think animated would be abd on loading times try flash ones) its just ...i really dont see the point in animating a sig...ive been doing sigs for nearly 2 years and ive yet to have one. i guess its down to preference really but when i learned from tuts and watching some of the top designers of sigs in the world ( effectica :D) i just knew that still ones were the best, but i guess it is preference really.

 #5780  by Wolferion
It is your opinion.. Yeah, it takes time to load an animation sig, but for me it is awesome! I think it is nice addition to sigs. But yeah, we all have our opinions. Tommorow i gonna make a sig for Taker with better lighting than ever before =)

 #5781  by Grimm
animation is best left to raven and sirion, i can make backgrounds or other random things but i just started learning animation

 #5785  by Kane
I can make you an mspaint sig if you want?

My siggys are 1337!

 #5800  by Squall
o they are taker u havent seen talent like it in all your life m8 :D

 #5856  by Wolferion
My mother is having birthday today. I think that i wont have much time to make you a sig Taker. Dont you mind if i give it to you tommorow?

 #5865  by Squall
tell your mum happy B day from the DJ ;)

 #5870  by Dirge
sure make it whenever lol

 #5941  by Wolferion
I have it already done, but wont you like some hero in it? As i see just symbols

 #5943  by Wolferion
I am sorry for some errors here.. I am suxxors at backgrounds and effects graphic, as still improving my animation skills. Hope you like it and if something, tell me and i will do it.

The siggy ( It doesnt look here in all it's pretty as it is minimalized )-

The link :

Thank you for reading,

 #5944  by virus
my opinion is it looks great but..... they yellow red flash is very odd :S

sry to say but it doesnt fit.

but nice looking for the rest.


 #5946  by Wolferion
I know. I tried to make an explosion. I fixed it and there it is without it and just a little bit other background in second part.

The siggy -

I will make another one with the same effects, but with better graphic and background.

( The link - [img*][*/img]

 #5947  by Squall
Best way i can say u can make an explosion is to get a few pictures of different fire and explosions and have them frames run through about 3-4 layers about 1 sec delay and see the turn out, but mod the fire ok so it looks ok.