the sig i made below is NOOOB but hey i like it but i would like a better one, one of those moveing ones O_o *gets mesmerized by the swirling vortex of the moveing sigs*
To who it may concern!(YAY)
Basically i want like 2 sigs in one saying different things LIKE KANES! or close to kanes....>.> anyway i want the 1st sig to fade to the next one(DO YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?!?!????! XD) in a loop fashion!!! w00t!
this is the pic i would like in the back at all times(meaning it wont change as the sig fades) ... 00h316.jpg
(only a tad smaller)
of cauorse i want the sig to be black and blue(mostly black, text in blue)
1st layer sig (or whatever u would call it XD): in the middle simply in blue have UnderTaker on it in a extremely evil text from(like the Text in my sig below!) not a bright blue a dark blue
2nd layer sig: i would like this on the right side(plz make it blue, dark blue maybe faded too)
and then in small but big enough text to read in(in dark blue) have this on the left
And when they heard of the dead, some mocked... and others said, we shall hear thee again of this matter. Acts 17:32 (inculde the Acts 17:32)
and i want this layer to stay a bit longer than the 1st so people can read it then repeat(rinse wash repeat)
there u go, i would really apperiate it (I CANT SPELL X_X)
To who it may concern!(YAY)
Basically i want like 2 sigs in one saying different things LIKE KANES! or close to kanes....>.> anyway i want the 1st sig to fade to the next one(DO YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?!?!????! XD) in a loop fashion!!! w00t!
this is the pic i would like in the back at all times(meaning it wont change as the sig fades) ... 00h316.jpg
(only a tad smaller)
of cauorse i want the sig to be black and blue(mostly black, text in blue)
1st layer sig (or whatever u would call it XD): in the middle simply in blue have UnderTaker on it in a extremely evil text from(like the Text in my sig below!) not a bright blue a dark blue
2nd layer sig: i would like this on the right side(plz make it blue, dark blue maybe faded too)
and then in small but big enough text to read in(in dark blue) have this on the left
And when they heard of the dead, some mocked... and others said, we shall hear thee again of this matter. Acts 17:32 (inculde the Acts 17:32)
and i want this layer to stay a bit longer than the 1st so people can read it then repeat(rinse wash repeat)
there u go, i would really apperiate it (I CANT SPELL X_X)