Just like the title says, It started out just like a normal day on the server.. The map was ffa3, The only map with a good sense of light and direction.
But, I'ma gettin ahead of maiself. Note: The beginning of this story will be told by normal JKA standards (You know, like this -[KR]-Jawfin: I'm sucha tech addict)
Don't take it personally jaw :O
Anyway, this is how it starts..
/connect kr1.knights-reborn.org
-[KR]-Ðelev entered the game
-[KR]-Fazz: oh noez, its del!
-[KR]-Tifa: hi del
-[KR]-Necros: Hey del!
-[KR]-Ðelev: Hey all
/fastforward 5mins
(-[KR]-echo entered the game, -[KR]-Darfin entered the game, -[KR]-Kakashi entered the game)
Zero connected
/fastforward 1mins
Zero was sabered by -[KR]-echo
Zero disconnected
<Clan>(-[KR]-Ðelev): Lol
<Clan>(-[KR]-Tifa): Hahahahaha
Zerosoldier connected
Zerosoldier2 connected
Zerosoldier3 connected
KR Fails connected
You shall all bow before me connected
You have 5 minutes to leave connected
before I destroy you all connected
Zerosoldier4 connected
Zerosoldier5 connected
Zerosoldier6 connected
Zerosoldier7 connected
/fastforward 30secs
Zerosoldier30 connected
-[KR]-Ðelev: Haha. A bot spammer.
Zerosoldier1 entered the game
Zerosoldier2 entered the game
Zerosoldier3 entered the game
Zerosoldier4 entered the game
Zerosoldier5 entered the game
Zerosoldier6 entered the game
Zerosoldier7 entered the game
Zerosoldier8 entered the game
Zerosoldier9 entered the game
Zerosoldier10 entered the game
Zerosoldier11 entered the game
Zerosoldier12 entered the game
Zerosoldier13 entered the game
Zerosoldier14 entered the game
Zerosoldier15 entered the game
/fastforward 15 secs
Zerosoldier30 entered the game
-[KR]-echo: !players
-[KR]-echo: Ultra Utility - Players: 37
-[KR]-Fazz: wtf, we have a 32 slot server..
Server: Zero one.. Zero one.. Zerrrrooo one..Zeeerooooooooooooooo...
Server: Running ultimate destruction script from database..
Server: Accessing destruction codes..
Server: Access granted.
Server: Wormhole created.
(Suddenly, Tifa, echo, Ðelev, Kakashi, Darfin, Fazz, and Necros were warped from their computer chair into the JKA universe - Right into the server!
-[KR]-Tifa: um?
-[KR]-Necros: lolwut
Server: Beginning destruction of the JKA world..
Now I'm going to destroy the whole JKA world! connected
Starting with the -[KR]- Server! connected
And you can NEVER ESCAPE! connected
-[KR]-Ðelev: pfft
-[KR]-Tifa: pfft
-[KR]-echo: pffffffffffffffffffffffffft
-[KR]-Fazz: wut they said
Suddenly, 15 of those ''Zerosoldiers'' arrived with guns and shot at the group. Luckily, Zero hadn't overriden the admin codes yet, so Kakashi and Darfin logged in and kicked their asses with banguns. The other 15 disconnected, probably to a refuge of Zero's.
(Darfin repeatedly tries to ban Zero, but he had already shut down all admins and changed all passwords)
-[KR]-Darfin: Damn!
-[KR]-Kakashi: This is the strangest thing to happen since my master trial...
(echo had fallen asleep)
-[KR]-echo: zZz..
-[KR]-Ðelev: *poke* wake up!
-[KR]-Ðelev: *poke poke* wake up fool!
-[KR]-Fazz: no no del, this is how you wake him up..
(Fazz grabs a frying pan out of his jacket)
-[KR]-Fazz: *BANG* Wakey wakey mr. sunshine!
-[KR]-echo: what the hell was that for? -.-
(echo notices the map disintegrating)
-[KR]-echo: o.o what i miss?
-[KR]-Necros: Many things.. But here's the main thing.. That zero guy is trying to kill us..wait, why am i telling you this look it up in console fool -.-
/fastforward 1mins
Then something strange happened, even though the whole day has been strange, this was the strangest thing to happen today!
The whole map started disintegrating and falling into what we map secret finders call ''Zerospace''. Zerospace is that space under the map, where if you fall you can tele back up. But the reason this time we can't tele up is
A: Zero had just overriden all admin logins
B: Zero had just overriden all admins and logged them out with rcon
And C: Who the hell wants to jump into that anyway? >.>
Anyway, they all disconnected, but since they were ''trapped'' into the JKA world, they arrived on what the server finding screen REALLY was. It's a really long hallway with a bunch of doors, Like in the matrix. They eventually found the one called ''JB'' And found refuge there.
~[JB]~Ice: Omg, raid?
~[JB]~Ice: =Lol.=
-[JB]-Monk3e: lol ice
=[JB]=Kerestel: Don't mind them, they're just paranoid.. What's up KR?
And the KR's told JB their story, and I bet you can guess what happened. Yep, Zero found them there too. Crazy guy, if he was in real life right? Worse than NickNack.. Anyway, the JB's thought this was crazy and laughed, until.. they.. *cries* they fell into Zerospace.. and never came back.. Oh the horror!
Then, after watching JB fall into the Zerospace, with tears on their faces, the KR's escaped in time to get to the hallway.. They eventually found out that Zero can't touch them there, seeing as it belongs to ravensoft and not a server provider..
They ended up exploring the server screen.. And sook refuge at an empty server where no one else could be harmed, But Zero continued his routine and Destroyed that server also..
But this time, There was something different about the white hallway.. Can you guess? No, you can't fool. Cus you gotta wait until I tell you.
(End of Prologue)
Just like the title says, It started out just like a normal day on the server.. The map was ffa3, The only map with a good sense of light and direction.
But, I'ma gettin ahead of maiself. Note: The beginning of this story will be told by normal JKA standards (You know, like this -[KR]-Jawfin: I'm sucha tech addict)
Don't take it personally jaw :O
Anyway, this is how it starts..
/connect kr1.knights-reborn.org
-[KR]-Ðelev entered the game
-[KR]-Fazz: oh noez, its del!
-[KR]-Tifa: hi del
-[KR]-Necros: Hey del!

-[KR]-Ðelev: Hey all
/fastforward 5mins
(-[KR]-echo entered the game, -[KR]-Darfin entered the game, -[KR]-Kakashi entered the game)
Zero connected
/fastforward 1mins
Zero was sabered by -[KR]-echo
Zero disconnected
<Clan>(-[KR]-Ðelev): Lol
<Clan>(-[KR]-Tifa): Hahahahaha
Zerosoldier connected
Zerosoldier2 connected
Zerosoldier3 connected
KR Fails connected
You shall all bow before me connected
You have 5 minutes to leave connected
before I destroy you all connected
Zerosoldier4 connected
Zerosoldier5 connected
Zerosoldier6 connected
Zerosoldier7 connected
/fastforward 30secs
Zerosoldier30 connected
-[KR]-Ðelev: Haha. A bot spammer.
Zerosoldier1 entered the game
Zerosoldier2 entered the game
Zerosoldier3 entered the game
Zerosoldier4 entered the game
Zerosoldier5 entered the game
Zerosoldier6 entered the game
Zerosoldier7 entered the game
Zerosoldier8 entered the game
Zerosoldier9 entered the game
Zerosoldier10 entered the game
Zerosoldier11 entered the game
Zerosoldier12 entered the game
Zerosoldier13 entered the game
Zerosoldier14 entered the game
Zerosoldier15 entered the game
/fastforward 15 secs
Zerosoldier30 entered the game
-[KR]-echo: !players
-[KR]-echo: Ultra Utility - Players: 37
-[KR]-Fazz: wtf, we have a 32 slot server..
Server: Zero one.. Zero one.. Zerrrrooo one..Zeeerooooooooooooooo...
Server: Running ultimate destruction script from database..
Server: Accessing destruction codes..
Server: Access granted.
Server: Wormhole created.
(Suddenly, Tifa, echo, Ðelev, Kakashi, Darfin, Fazz, and Necros were warped from their computer chair into the JKA universe - Right into the server!
-[KR]-Tifa: um?
-[KR]-Necros: lolwut
Server: Beginning destruction of the JKA world..
Now I'm going to destroy the whole JKA world! connected
Starting with the -[KR]- Server! connected
And you can NEVER ESCAPE! connected
-[KR]-Ðelev: pfft
-[KR]-Tifa: pfft
-[KR]-echo: pffffffffffffffffffffffffft
-[KR]-Fazz: wut they said
Suddenly, 15 of those ''Zerosoldiers'' arrived with guns and shot at the group. Luckily, Zero hadn't overriden the admin codes yet, so Kakashi and Darfin logged in and kicked their asses with banguns. The other 15 disconnected, probably to a refuge of Zero's.
(Darfin repeatedly tries to ban Zero, but he had already shut down all admins and changed all passwords)
-[KR]-Darfin: Damn!
-[KR]-Kakashi: This is the strangest thing to happen since my master trial...
(echo had fallen asleep)
-[KR]-echo: zZz..
-[KR]-Ðelev: *poke* wake up!
-[KR]-Ðelev: *poke poke* wake up fool!
-[KR]-Fazz: no no del, this is how you wake him up..
(Fazz grabs a frying pan out of his jacket)
-[KR]-Fazz: *BANG* Wakey wakey mr. sunshine!
-[KR]-echo: what the hell was that for? -.-
(echo notices the map disintegrating)
-[KR]-echo: o.o what i miss?
-[KR]-Necros: Many things.. But here's the main thing.. That zero guy is trying to kill us..wait, why am i telling you this look it up in console fool -.-
/fastforward 1mins
Then something strange happened, even though the whole day has been strange, this was the strangest thing to happen today!
The whole map started disintegrating and falling into what we map secret finders call ''Zerospace''. Zerospace is that space under the map, where if you fall you can tele back up. But the reason this time we can't tele up is
A: Zero had just overriden all admin logins
B: Zero had just overriden all admins and logged them out with rcon
And C: Who the hell wants to jump into that anyway? >.>
Anyway, they all disconnected, but since they were ''trapped'' into the JKA world, they arrived on what the server finding screen REALLY was. It's a really long hallway with a bunch of doors, Like in the matrix. They eventually found the one called ''JB'' And found refuge there.
~[JB]~Ice: Omg, raid?
~[JB]~Ice: =Lol.=
-[JB]-Monk3e: lol ice
=[JB]=Kerestel: Don't mind them, they're just paranoid.. What's up KR?
And the KR's told JB their story, and I bet you can guess what happened. Yep, Zero found them there too. Crazy guy, if he was in real life right? Worse than NickNack.. Anyway, the JB's thought this was crazy and laughed, until.. they.. *cries* they fell into Zerospace.. and never came back.. Oh the horror!
Then, after watching JB fall into the Zerospace, with tears on their faces, the KR's escaped in time to get to the hallway.. They eventually found out that Zero can't touch them there, seeing as it belongs to ravensoft and not a server provider..
They ended up exploring the server screen.. And sook refuge at an empty server where no one else could be harmed, But Zero continued his routine and Destroyed that server also..
But this time, There was something different about the white hallway.. Can you guess? No, you can't fool. Cus you gotta wait until I tell you.
(End of Prologue)
Last edited by Delev on Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.