Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #21581  by NinjaSarah
NinjaSarah wrote:Here's one that I made earlier today.

Btw tose symbols are supposed to represent characteristics of me lol.. if I spelled that right XD

 #21664  by saunby
They're good (Y)

Do you think you could make those alterations to mine or not?

 #21712  by NinjaSarah
Aww do I gotta?

 #21729  by saunby
Only if you want to... I just think it'll make it look even better :)

 #22160  by NinjaSarah
My newest Sig for me and Kaz

Zelda and Link

 #22166  by NinjaSarah
You guys lost interest I see.

 #22167  by Raziel
Yer siggies r kewl ^_^

 #22577  by NinjaSarah
Meh. You might as well put a lock on this. No one is interested anymore.

 #22585  by saunby
Sarah you have to keep making new sigs for people to look at, otherwise people will lose interest, also, not everyone actually looks in this forum.

 #22586  by NinjaSarah
No one commented on the Zelda one though so now I'm just gonna forget about posting any more *yawn* I'm to lazy to post them anyway

 #22587  by saunby
Well if thats your attitude then fine, its your choice....

 #22590  by Kenshin
LoL sarah from when u posted ur zelda and when u posted tht peopel lost interest was a space of 2 hours xD

 #22591  by saunby
Lol oh yeah >_<

 #22595  by NinjaSarah
eff off ken it's a bad time of the month to piss me off

 #22598  by saunby
If its a bad time of the month for you then stop posting stuff that makes you look impatient and aggressive...

 #22600  by Fazz
whats wrong with the month?

 #22606  by Raziel
<_< I bet it is cos of march...or is it....march....WHAT DATE IS IT??O.O IM LOST IN TIME NOOOEZZ

 #22614  by Raziel
yikes :o

 #25363  by Tidus
what happened to siggy making?! :( its been a month now!!!!
I'll take a new sig :)

 #25365  by Raziel
Yea we need Ninjas art work :/ :P

 #29457  by Darth Kithoran
Whoa, first time to sig forum, nice sigs sarah! I really liked the zelda and link one, but I couldn't read the text very well.
Do you think you could make me one please?

if you do, then here's what I would like for it

I would like a Zabrak with a black jedi robe like Anakin's on episode II holding a red lightsaber and standing over a body (preferably a jedi's body). I would like the background to be something like the inside of the jedi temple, and I'd like the text to say Darth Kithoran, preferably in red and black.
If you could make me a sig of that I'd very much appreciate it. :)

 #39190  by NinjaSarah
OMFG She's making a comeback!!!

... Yeeah, sorry for my behavior before lol.. very bad time of the month for me and my patient meter was cut down by a lot lol ^^' anyway, I'm going to post all of my most recent sigs now, so.. enjoy? :P

--My Siggies for mesa--








My friend always calls me Wolfy because of my obsessions for wolves so I just kinda accepted that as a nickname, lol.

--My Siggies for my friends--

This is for Doomy-- I mean DoomReaver.

Pandy is the nickname of my friend who calls me Wolfy. :P

That's all for the siggies, but I have some avatars I made as well.

Lol.. You gotta love Kadaj. <3!

I think the top is 'Pure' and the bottom is 'kind'.

Lol. Had to. (Unprofessional but I dun care lol)

 #39198  by Kakashi.Archive
nice siggys :D

i like wolfpod xD