OMFG She's making a comeback!!!
... Yeeah, sorry for my behavior before lol.. very bad time of the month for me and my patient meter was cut down by a lot lol ^^' anyway, I'm going to post all of my most recent sigs now, so.. enjoy?
--My Siggies for mesa--

My friend always calls me Wolfy because of my obsessions for wolves so I just kinda accepted that as a nickname, lol.
--My Siggies for my friends--

This is for Doomy-- I mean DoomReaver.

Pandy is the nickname of my friend who calls me Wolfy.
That's all for the siggies, but I have some avatars I made as well.

Lol.. You gotta love Kadaj. <3!

I think the top is 'Pure' and the bottom is 'kind'.

Lol. Had to. (Unprofessional but I dun care lol)