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 #18147  by Darko
Hey guys,
Iv wanted to write something like this for some time.
Its about Chantelle.

Yes its that stunner with brains, and lots of them!

Iv want to thank Chantelle for her huge amounts of help!

She solves a massive amount of problems for other people
Devoting time that she could be doing something else for herself.

Chantelle blasts people away with her impressive amounts of common sense, and i have never seen her get upset in all the time i have known her.

I would also like to thank Melissa,
Another darn stunner, arnt we lucky!
She too has devoted alot of time helping others in this clan!

You both make a great duo!

You both deserve a serious round of applause

Paul :wink:

 #18149  by Sniper
*claps* lol b

 #18152  by Tricky
As the two are some of the people I hold in high regard for their maturity and support, I agree that they deserve to be told how much their help is appreciated around here. Thanks a ton, ladies. :)

PS: I've seen Chan get upset, but never lose control. :P

 #18172  by Chantelle
Wow Darky :oops: thank you, I dunno what to say..

Really though, you didnt need to.

I have known most of you for a long long time, and offering help to people isnt something I have to make time for its just something I enjoy doing. I mean I am not a KR member and I no longer play JA.. But I am here because I know alot of you and like to feel a part of you lot in a distant way..

It is not because i have anything unique it is purley because its my line of work, and I obviously spent alot of my life working towards it. I am sure than ANY of you would do the same

And sometimes helping you guys helps me, learning and facing new problems especially over the net can be a good way to learn.

Really I feel embarressed lol :oops: helping people makes me feel good and I like it when people get what they want, so please do not feel like you have to dedicate a thread to me

PS Melissa is ugly and talks crap lol jk

Btw that picture is now ages old!!! if your talking about the one where me and mel are stood in someones Garden? that was like 3 years ago !!

 #18174  by Darfin
You seriously stole my idea @*shole.
Deeply appreciated.
Join KR.

 #18180  by Melissa
yeah baby dont you'll know it!!

OK Just kidding!!!

I dont think I can take any cred for this... I am quite the student compared to my elder on the IT stuff..

She knows all like networking and infastructure and servers and all that mental crap ... I just know what say your average whizz does and maybe a bit of tech tahts all... alot of the time what I say I have never done before :s. In all honest I learn alot from her , she makes me straight when I flip, You cannot say I keep my cool lol I know Im calmer now but I do flip alot at nasty people when its better to keep quiet.

Thank you but you pay me far too much credit for what I am..

ps I know she was only making a silly joke but I think its right, she is the pretty one all the guys like her!!

She is very shy actually so yeah she will be emabarressed

 #18185  by Darfin
Wow pretty AND smart?
Phone number?

 #18188  by Melissa
we look nothing alike.. yeah she is pretty, whereas I get compared to Hannah from Hollyoakes!! :evil:

 #18197  by Phoenix
I agree completely guys, thanks for posting this Darko. I'm not joking, I was actually considering PM'ing Chan to thank her for all her help on the forums. But it looks like Darko beat me too it ^_^.

Anyway, thanks Chan for all your help I think I speak on behalf of the whole of KR when I say the forums certainly wouldn't be the same without you. I'm sorry if you got plagued with PM's from members because the amount of people I have refered to you is unbelieveable :P.
Also as Darko mentioned- Mel, you have also been a great help and are always happy to help people whatever the problem, so like Chan I thank you on behalf of KR as well.

My apologys for not responding to this thread earlier although I have been re-decordating my room so I haven't had many chances to get on the comp.

Also regarding your looks, I think your both as beautiful as each other. I still remember that picture of you both, I haven't seen it in years, although I still remember it as if it was right in front of me. You should put it up again, it's a lovely photo of you both :).

Thanks again,


 #18201  by Melissa
Oh you know I reckon its still on her photo bucket somewhere yeah im sure its years old... I think it was not long after I first started playing JA.. she was in KR I was just a 15 year old clueless to what was going on...

I doubt she would feel like plagued with problems... I think she feels honered that you consider her to be of help.. as she says she enjoyes helping and it helps her..

I just nod my head and smile

 #18205  by Phoenix
Melissa wrote:Oh you know I reckon its still on her photo bucket somewhere yeah im sure its years old... I think it was not long after I first started playing JA.. she was in KR I was just a 15 year old clueless to what was going on...

I doubt she would feel like plagued with problems... I think she feels honered that you consider her to be of help.. as she says she enjoyes helping and it helps her..

I just nod my head and smile
Well as I said, I saw the photo years ago, but the photo was old then, so its got to be 3-4 years old now, if not more. I'll consider giving you both custom ranks here on the forums when I think of something suitable- its the least we can do for you both :)

 #18207  by Darko

Chantelle - Technical Directer
- Technical Superviser
- Tech-Co (Technical Correspondent)

Mel - Technical Superviser

I used all my ideas on chan >_< damn

 #18238  by Chantelle
Mel - Office Junior lol

Really dont feel like you have to make any special thing for me. I am just doing something I enjoy doing and am happy doing.. I think alot of people are the same in the same situation. In fact since I do alot of server side things at work(which is alot harder :() and wll alot of other things its nice to have a change.

And I only know what I know from experience, which comes from helping people.. and well hard work and studying on my quals.. so theres no enigma.. and theres no reason why you cannot be me or better (in whatever field).

As for that Picture I think off memory its about short of 3 years old. I dont like me in it, But I think Melissa looked nice.. its good as because Melissa was done up she looked alot older aswell and not 15..

Although I think we both look a bit different now.. if you want ill dig it out but cut me out :D

 #18244  by Phoenix
Yea well as you said Chan, its all through experience, so even the server stuff you find hard at work, you will probably find easy in a couple of months time- just the way it works :P

But yea, you should put that photo up if you can find it, and don't cut yourself out :(, as I said above I think you both looked lovely in it.


 #18248  by Chantelle
Nah been doing it for years.. some stuff is easy some stuff hard.. I mean you can cram a book all you want sometimes you face with something taht just doesnt work...

or trying to setup a site-2-site VPN connection which basically creates a secure tunnel then you hav ecomplications like static routes and alternative gateways..

All fiddley.

There is always alot to learn .

However today I am cabling an office :s and wiring the patch box and so that when you plug into teh wall it oes all the way through the trunking into the box which patches through to teh switch.... so essentially manual work !!

boring as hell i am taking a break

 #18255  by Tidus
i dont even know whats going on here :(

 #18258  by Melissa
Its a geek appreciation thread..

I honestly believe I have nothing to deserve anything myself..

Ru'Mithri.. I think Darky and a few others are just saying they appreciate the online technical support engineer we have around here, which of course doesnt appear to be a problem as she mutually is happy to help etc etc..

thenwe discussed her looks lol

 #18263  by Phoenix
Ru' lol, you should read threads then you'll find out what its about :P But yea, Mel pretty much summarised it, we are thanking them both for all the help they have given us on the forums, as they are always happy to help.

Then we started discussing their looks not just Chans :P. Someone still hasn't posted the photo ^_^. I think Darko was trying to point out that although they are both very helpful they are both stunning :)

[/End of compliments]


 #18266  by Grimm
well u girls deserve it. nice thread dark. :)