Hey guys,
Iv wanted to write something like this for some time.
Its about Chantelle.
Yes its that stunner with brains, and lots of them!
Iv want to thank Chantelle for her huge amounts of help!
She solves a massive amount of problems for other people
Devoting time that she could be doing something else for herself.
Chantelle blasts people away with her impressive amounts of common sense, and i have never seen her get upset in all the time i have known her.
I would also like to thank Melissa,
Another darn stunner, arnt we lucky!
She too has devoted alot of time helping others in this clan!
You both make a great duo!
You both deserve a serious round of applause
Iv wanted to write something like this for some time.
Its about Chantelle.
Yes its that stunner with brains, and lots of them!
Iv want to thank Chantelle for her huge amounts of help!
She solves a massive amount of problems for other people
Devoting time that she could be doing something else for herself.
Chantelle blasts people away with her impressive amounts of common sense, and i have never seen her get upset in all the time i have known her.
I would also like to thank Melissa,
Another darn stunner, arnt we lucky!
She too has devoted alot of time helping others in this clan!
You both make a great duo!
You both deserve a serious round of applause