I never thought I would be writing something like this. To some, you might be surprised. I have had a lot of time to think and reflect on what's happened, and I really do appreciate the time you've all spent with me. As much as it pains me to say, I don't have the time to spend on games like I used to. Between my personal life, work life, and social life it doesn't leave me with a lot of down time. I will never forget the times spent on here, but unfortunately for the foreseeable future I cannot put my time towards here.
I'd really like to thank all of you, on a personal level, that I've had many a good time having conversations with, and 100/100 whilst dueling (mainly Cloud, and Guardian ;p). I hope in the 3 (almost 4) years I spent here it was worth something to the clan. I never climbed the ranks insanely, but I hope the small amount of time I've spent in KR meant something to someone. My biggest regret is how invested I once was, and then how now I can no longer do it to the same extent.
There are too many people to name names, but a lot of you I hold in really high regard, so I'll leave it with this - Sam, thank you for inviting me to the clan. It came at an uncertain time in my life so having something to dedicate my time to meant I could become who I am today.
If there comes a time I could become active again, I know which server I'll be in. Thank you everyone who wanted to play with me. If you ever want to talk, message me on discord: Earth, Wind, and Brod (Deluxe®)#4055
Much love - Brod
I'd really like to thank all of you, on a personal level, that I've had many a good time having conversations with, and 100/100 whilst dueling (mainly Cloud, and Guardian ;p). I hope in the 3 (almost 4) years I spent here it was worth something to the clan. I never climbed the ranks insanely, but I hope the small amount of time I've spent in KR meant something to someone. My biggest regret is how invested I once was, and then how now I can no longer do it to the same extent.
There are too many people to name names, but a lot of you I hold in really high regard, so I'll leave it with this - Sam, thank you for inviting me to the clan. It came at an uncertain time in my life so having something to dedicate my time to meant I could become who I am today.
If there comes a time I could become active again, I know which server I'll be in. Thank you everyone who wanted to play with me. If you ever want to talk, message me on discord: Earth, Wind, and Brod (Deluxe®)#4055
Much love - Brod