If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #170399  by Primordial
I never thought I would be writing something like this. To some, you might be surprised. I have had a lot of time to think and reflect on what's happened, and I really do appreciate the time you've all spent with me. As much as it pains me to say, I don't have the time to spend on games like I used to. Between my personal life, work life, and social life it doesn't leave me with a lot of down time. I will never forget the times spent on here, but unfortunately for the foreseeable future I cannot put my time towards here.

I'd really like to thank all of you, on a personal level, that I've had many a good time having conversations with, and 100/100 whilst dueling (mainly Cloud, and Guardian ;p). I hope in the 3 (almost 4) years I spent here it was worth something to the clan. I never climbed the ranks insanely, but I hope the small amount of time I've spent in KR meant something to someone. My biggest regret is how invested I once was, and then how now I can no longer do it to the same extent.

There are too many people to name names, but a lot of you I hold in really high regard, so I'll leave it with this - Sam, thank you for inviting me to the clan. It came at an uncertain time in my life so having something to dedicate my time to meant I could become who I am today.

If there comes a time I could become active again, I know which server I'll be in. Thank you everyone who wanted to play with me. If you ever want to talk, message me on discord: Earth, Wind, and Brod (Deluxe®)#4055

Much love - Brod
 #170400  by deathscyth
this is certainly a shock i will not try to stop you since your mind is most certainly made up but make sure to come visit us i will be waiting for that day you take care my friend
 #170402  by cf.Steak
I totally get needing to focus on real life. I know it may seem like leaving is the least selfish way to go about it, but please consider a leave of absence instead.
If this is something you feel need to do though, I'll miss your wonderful birthday posts. Thanks for always being a great friend, and we're always here if you need anything at all! Hope to see you around some time.
 #170403  by MasterM
Sorry to see you go man, we'll miss you! But I totally understand where you're coming from. Best of luck to you in the future, and hope to see you around some day!
 #170404  by Squidlord
It's always sad to see anyone leave but I completely understand not being able to commit to the game like you once could. Thank you for all the laughs and good times mate and best of luck with wherever life takes you. Hopefully we can catch you on the server again one day.
 #170405  by Limeoats
Take care, Prim, it's been a lot of fun. Hope to see you around the server again sometime!
 #170406  by Sakito
Take care Prim! We'll miss having you around, stop by when you can! <3
 #170407  by Rogue
Hey Prim!

We will greatly miss you, I remembered we have a great time few years ago.

Without further ado, see you until next time if you planned to visit, don't be a stranger.

Real life come first and JKA come the last.
 #170408  by Typhlosion
That is really a shock. Im gonna miss you man. But like the others wrote: RL comes first. I hope you still visit us, if you have the time.
 #170409  by jawfin
Hey mate, don't forget to find another escape from that list of time consuming elements you just mentioned! We don't demand your time and you do need to let of steam somewhere ;)

I'm sure we'll cross paths by-and-by; and you always know where to find us!

Enjoy life :)
 #170410  by reftor
Im shooketh to see this. Hope everything goes well for you and you know where to find us if you ever want to slap some light sticks around! <3
 #170411  by Falcon
I'm sorry to see you go, but happy to have gotten the chance to know you. Don't forget to get some "you" time in there as well!

Visit us on server sometime :)
 #170413  by JediF
Ah Prim, this is sad, I do hope we cross paths again. Later legend, hope everything goes well for you! <3
 #170414  by Sam
Take Care Prim, It was a pleasure inviting you and getting to know you more personally in the clan as well as the fun duels we've had together.
Hope to see you around sometime and I wish you the best for your future endeavors!

 #170415  by EvilTree
Sad to see you go Prim. You absolutely did add something special to the clan. I hope to see you around again if you get the time :)
 #170416  by Uscari
Normally with leave posts like these I urge the OP to reconsider and make a leave of absence post instead.

However, in this case I fully understand why you've decided to leave, and I completely respect your decision.

I know you've made a lot of positive changes in your life and you want to make room for the things that help you grow the most. That's a mature and respectable decision.

Just know you definitely made an impact here. I recall meeting you in 2018 and I knew very quickly I would enjoy your company. You helped me deal with many of the stresses in college with your sense of humor, wit, and overall amicable demeanor. On top of that, you were a loyal, dedicated member that I was proud to work with as an admin to keep the server safe.

I'll definitely miss you, but I also know you have great things ahead of you and truly wish you the best.

If you ever decide to return you'll have plenty of support here.
 #170417  by MysticalPotato
It was really nice having your around Prim, I will forever cherish those fun nights with you and chris. I wish you all the best.
 #170424  by Samurai X
It was a great yet immeasurable pleasure to meet you. We will be here for you and hope to see you someday around the corners.
You are one of the goods and hope you enjoy every moment of your life.
See you brother!
 #170525  by Zaluk
I'm very sad to see you go but I get it as well. I'm hopeful you leave here knowing of the impact you left, I think it's clear we loved having you around and hopefully you still pop by here and there! I wish you all the best mate :)