Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #159080  by Veneratus
I would like to comment on the current map rotation. As it was changed recently, I assume Council may be collecting the feedback from players. It is known that t3_rift map shows poor performance on old computers. I have played in that map few times, and I had a feeling that my laptop is garbage. Nevertheless, I would like to provide just the option, that may be discussed among the Council members.

Since KR1 is players oriented server, it is important to maintain the greatest experience possible for all players who attend KR1. At the same time there are plenty of SP maps, that can be entertaining, have a lot of ffa, duel and safe areas {yavin1b, t2_rogue, t2_rancor [winter edition by Jammer] etc.}. Consequently, it is to some degree vital to add fresh maps to the rotation, so there will not only be FFA1-5.

The topic of Map Rotation will be always arguable, since all players/KR members have their own preferences. Zabuza said that Map Rotation must consist of 5 maps. My idea may be simple, and maybe be already introduced by another person. Keep 4 most popular and stable maps on the rotation [ffa3, ffa5, ffa1, vjun3] and the 5th Map should be changed monthly either by Voting between all KR members or Council members. If the map is greatly designed but may cause lags on old computers, the times should be fixed to the 30 minutes, in order to minimise the outflow of players, even for short period of time. Such a fixed Map Rotation provides flexibility. It is expected to satisfy all individuals, who seek fresh experience at KR1 and the intuitively comfortable time spending for regular players.

Model Map Rotation:

  • FFA3 [90 min]
  • FFA1 [60 min]
  • FFA5 [60 min]
  • FFA3 [90 min]
  • vjun3 [60 min]
  • Flexible Option [60/30 min]

Flexible Option - the map that may be interesting for players / recently updated map / new map. Examples: t2_rogue, kor2, t2_rancor, t3_rift, t1_danger, FFA4, FFA2.

I personally think duel_6 must not be in map rotation, but it is not my authority to change it in any way.

I hope this may be relevant.

 #159081  by jawfin
Can't be done sadly, the map time is locked by the JA+ server settin.... um, ok, I could actually do it by flipping that value in the cvar I use to pick the map, so yea, ignore me, it could be done. So following up on Akuma's idea, everyone happy with this approach? I think it's novel and clever, and cuts the annoyance factor for the less liked maps.
 #159083  by John
I appove having shorter time limits for some maps and I think we should keep the current maps on rotation.
 #159094  by Charm
Please, please, PLEASE get rid of the recently added Rift map. I've spent the last week watching as traffic drops to a crawl as soon as the map comes to the front of the rotation. I have then been asked on more than one occasion why it is that this map has been added.

A large majority come to play JKA for the FFA and duels. This map does not cater to either. In fact, it kills all traffic to the server for a majority of the allotted 90-minutes. I'm sitting on JAWA right now which has 19 people, a number that should be filling the KR server per traffic patterns over the last few months. Only 5 people populate our server which is now on ffa5 (the map which comes up after rift). Pleeease remove Rift. Nothing good can come from it as far as the KR server is concerned.

I also love the idea of shorter time limits by the way.
Last edited by Charm on Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #159095  by Blaboobee
Charm wrote:Please, please, PLEASE get rid of the recently added Rift map. I've spent the last week watching as traffic drops to a crawl as soon as the map comes to the front of the rotation. I get have then been asked on several occasions why it is that this map has been added.

A large majority come to play JKA for the FFA and duels. This map does not cater to either. In fact, it kills all traffic to the server for a majority of the allotted 90-minutes. I'm sitting on JAWA right now which has 19 people, a number that should be filling the KR server per traffic patterns over the last few months. Only 5 people populate our server which is now on ffa5 (the map which comes up after rift). Pleeease remove Rift. Nothing good can come from it as far as the KR server is concerned.

I also love the idea of shorter time limits by the way.
Strongly emphatically agree with Charm's assessment.

Also I want to add that the majority of people experience moderate to severe FPS issues on Rift.

Also agree with the idea of reducing the map times. Doesn't have to be significantly reduced either. Anywhere between 60 and 70 minutes is A-ok for me.
 #159107  by Charm
Will keep reporting here that most players left the server when the rift map comes up in the rotation... It has come up in the rotation and everyone left. Pleeeeease remove it, the number of people who leave / absence of players surely is all that is needed to do so :/
 #161945  by Primordial
HolyWarrior wrote:Any plans for a new rotation this summer?
I want to see Yavin IV back, not gonna lie.
 #162042  by jawfin
Just post a wish-list of maps and duration, and with enough input we should hit a happy medium, which we can then implement.
 #162043  by Syzyx
Has T3_Rift been changed at all? Multiple spawn points? Not that you need to add any in T3_Rift because you spawn in the air and chances of telefrag are minimal. I like this map a lot. AND It matches my noghri skin tone! :D

Which map has the teleporter to the hangar in Academy6? Or was it just Academy6 with a teleporter?

Are T3_stamp and Kor2 to be taken out of rotation?

What about ALL usable maps with 30 min time?? or with Voting option to skip or even choose map allowed?

I think mixing it up and keeping the variety is good.

Top 3 maps i WISH we could use: :roll:
T2_trip (with swoop and ATST dispensers)
T3_hevil (Noghris!)
T2_dpred (where all the cell doors work and all the cells are spawn points)

Just runnin it up the ole flagpole and seeing if anyone salutes.

(says the guy with 173 posts to the guy with over 10.000!)
 #162044  by Meowster Chief
One of the maps I would definitely love to see is mp/ctf3 (Yavin Hilltops). It's a CTF map, but there's a lot of areas that could prove to work well for FFA. I think over time people will naturally come back to one area each time they ffa. It's one of my favorite MP maps in the game.
 #162045  by jawfin
Current rotation and times: -
t2_rogue 60
mp/ffa3 90
mp/ffa1 90
vjun3 60
mp/ffa3 90
t3_stamp 60
mp/ffa5 60
mp/ffa3 90
kor2 60

Other maps which can be used: -
 #162046  by Primordial
Whichever one of those is Yavin IV I would like it added in :>
 #162061  by Limeoats
t2_trip would be really cool but I can see how it's way too big for an FFA map.

t1_danger could also be pretty cool.
 #162594  by Primordial
I think that T2_Rogue should be replaced by Yavin1 and Vjun to be replaced by t1_rail.
 #162597  by cf.Steak
I want that snow map back. The one with the platform in the distance. I think it had an invisible rancor too.
 #162599  by Rogue
cf.Steak wrote:I want that snow map back. The one with the platform in the distance. I think it had an invisible rancor too.
That is t2_rancor map =)
 #162866  by Primordial
t1_sour needs to be in the rotation (the map Jammer recently made). I personally think it should replace t2_rogue or Vjun.
 #162868  by Jammer
Sorry Prim beat me too it, but I give my blessing
 #162887  by Uscari
I request that if it's added, it replace vjun, and not t2_rogue.

I love t2_rogue.
 #162895  by Jagged Fel
Uscari wrote:I request that if it's added, it replace vjun, and not t2_rogue.

I love t2_rogue.
I second you
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