If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #160495  by MysticalPotato
Is this true? :(
 #160496  by John
Hey Sam, Idk if you had a rough day or something but I would ask you to reconsider, as many of us in the clan view you as family. It's your choice but I want you to know we are here for you.
 #160497  by Rogue
John wrote:Hey Sam, Idk if you had a rough day or something but I would ask you to reconsider, as many of us in the clan view you as family. It's your choice but I want you to know we are here for you.
Sam, I want you to know that we care about you and we totally understand that you have a difficult times on the server. I suggest you take a time off jka if you want to remove the weigh of stress that you felt on the server instead of posting a leave thread.

If you want to leave the clan, then see you around and bye!
 #160499  by Mike
Hey Sam please take some time for yourself to think about this decision, you can talk to any one of us here if there is stuff going on. We're a family <3

We'll miss you if you go.
 #160500  by jawfin
Dear Sam, you know I have all the time in the world for you, always will. We have your best interests at heart. Take a breath and post again when your ready. We don't want to let go of you this easily!
 #160512  by Sakito
This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too like. I don't know how to put it. Bland? This isn't food though. Sam my friend, don't leave out of pure like, some feeling that comes up. Maybe things will get better. Just give it some time. Don't leave yet :(
 #160519  by Falcon
Sam, I really would like to talk to you about this please. I know I haven't been on much lately, but you and I have known each other a long time and I hope that I can help you with whatever is causing you to want to leave.

I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, and I'm not saying you can't leave. But I would like to talk to you. Shoot me a PM here or on discord please.

If you do end up deciding to leave, I wish you the best. Much love <3
 #160534  by Uscari
Could you at least tell us why?
 #160536  by Yama
hey hon,

Take down this post. We all love ya, Yeah I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately and we haven't been on the best of terms but what would toast and I do without you? think of the children! Just take a moment as this is and always will be your home. You are like furniture and nobody wants to lose their favourite couch.
 #160539  by Samurai X
Don't do that Sam, we love you! You are a part of this family and we are here for you always, you can talk to us everything you want.
And if after that you still want to leave, I wish you the very best
 #160540  by R4gnar
Is this a real leaving post? I Mean... wow...
 #160552  by Xero
I'm not gonna say much, other than I liked getting to know you Sam, I hope you return someday, maybe incognito with a new name. Take care ;(
 #160553  by Kirito
... dam. Im not gonna lie here. I feel pretty betrayed Kali. I hope you get back to me on discord. But in case im blocked and its not seen or you simply boicot discord and again... dont see it. I value your friendship, as stated by many others above... your fam. But just to pz out... without any kind of explanation or even a dam word to any of us why. Straight up... I feel betrayed... and if this "leave" stands... without given any of us a chance.... there arnt words to describe how that feels from someone who said they had my back.... I've always had your back.... So why you turning yours now? like cmon... what the hells goin on here.

i feel you owe us that... we care about you dude.... and ALL of you guys know... I dont have a single mean bone in my body. What your doing here... is cold. Your breaking your word. I will not forgive that.

So please Kali, dont turn your back on us.... its pretty clear we dont want you to go and that we care about you. Ill support you no matter what, even if you leave. But i feel doin this, no warning, no explanation, not even a goodbye.... i cant just forgive that...

I truly hope this doesnt stand. But if you decide not to reach back out.

Good luck, pz out.
 #160556  by MasterM
Hey Sam, just echoing what other people have said - you've been a constant here for a long time and we'd all be pretty sad to see you go. If you need to take some time off, then by all means do so, but I'd ask that you reconsider your decision to leave. If not, then take care, hopefully we'll see you around
 #160562  by Charm
You and Rogue had a huge role in making me want to be a part of KR. In my mind you are a fundamental part of the lifeblood that drives this clan forward, never to go extinct. Sam, this would be a travesty. What Yama said: please just remove the post. You should be able to tell from the concerned, even shocked responses just how valued you are here.

Even if you were to leave, by the way, I wouldn't want you to cut off all ties with me or anyone else. It doesn't change the fact we are still friends!
 #160583  by MaxiPadawan
Sorry to see you go and I hope you'll reconsider. Either way I wish you the best and hope to see you as an active member again soon.
 #160586  by jawfin
I'll post on Sam's behalf as its unlikely she will.

Sam contacted me and shared that she is dealing with significant health and emotional issues. She noticed this caused her to act out and attack people at random. As she cares for the KR community she did not want to be striking out at us. Sam reinforced to me that her leaving is not due to anyone, no-one offended or upset her.
She said for her own health she has removed herself from online communities, and from Star Wars, and all gaming. In her words she has gone to "fix herself".

Sam closed in saying that she had fun with KR and hoped people remember the fun they had with her.

Speaking for myself I know I did.
 #160588  by Frog
If you're reading this Kaliko I hope you heal up. Love you and respect you very much.
 #160589  by g0dchris
Thanks for the informations, Jaw. : (
Iam not sure if this should be readable for everyone in public forum....but okay.
 #160602  by Thunderbird
I use to see Sam as 'mentor' of mine, back when i was a noob at JKA. I'll never forget that... Thank you for the memories, get well and good luck!
 #160611  by Clank
You used to be an important figure for me when I first started playing, your unprejudiced trust and friendship was and always will be something that I will cheerish. My only wish is to repay all these years of friendship, I hope you get well and to see you again.
 #160621  by Mnsomc
Thanks for the update, Jaw.

So I guess you really are leaving, Sam. I've always thought of you as a big sister in the clan, and I'm very saddened to hear you've decided to leave. I understand that you have personal issues to sort out, and I truly hope you'll return one day when you are ready. Until then, good luck, and may the Force be with you.