... dam. Im not gonna lie here. I feel pretty betrayed Kali. I hope you get back to me on discord. But in case im blocked and its not seen or you simply boicot discord and again... dont see it. I value your friendship, as stated by many others above... your fam. But just to pz out... without any kind of explanation or even a dam word to any of us why. Straight up... I feel betrayed... and if this "leave" stands... without given any of us a chance.... there arnt words to describe how that feels from someone who said they had my back.... I've always had your back.... So why you turning yours now? like cmon... what the hells goin on here.
i feel you owe us that... we care about you dude.... and ALL of you guys know... I dont have a single mean bone in my body. What your doing here... is cold. Your breaking your word. I will not forgive that.
So please Kali, dont turn your back on us.... its pretty clear we dont want you to go and that we care about you. Ill support you no matter what, even if you leave. But i feel doin this, no warning, no explanation, not even a goodbye.... i cant just forgive that...
I truly hope this doesnt stand. But if you decide not to reach back out.
Good luck, pz out.