The Jedi is a corrupt order. They blind themselves from human nature and often follow an immoral code. They are pretty much monks. Monks who believe in peace in the galaxy, yet they never learn how to achieve that peace. Jedi are known for their kindness, but kindness is not always the best path. If help is always offered, then help will always be requested. Powerful Jedi knew about this. Four great examples are of course Kreia, Jolee Bindo, Qui-gon Gin, and Ahsoka Tano.
These are the only "Jedi" who knew the true meaning of galactic peace, and their teachings should be followed. Take a look at all of their cases.
Kreia. She was a wise master, who not only taught her students, but learned from them. Should one of them "fall to the darkside", she would inspect why the student did such a thing, and work harder to prevent such falls. She is one of the only masters who accept their student's fall as their own failure. Did you ever see anyone take blame for what happened to Exar Kun? Darth Revan and Malak? How about Count Dooku or even Anakin Skywalker himself? All of those students' reasons were brushed aside and they just fell under the notation that it was the darkside, but what if it was the Jedi teachings that were flawed? Did they not foresee this? Powerful dark lords of the sith usually started out originally as Sith, is this the fault of the Jedi?
Jolee Bindo. He has lived through the Sith Wars against Exar Kun. He defied the teachings of the Jedi and because of this many people died. Jolee believed that he would be punished for abandoning the Jedi teachings that lead to many deaths, but instead he was welcomed back into the order, with no repercussions. If the Jedi behave this way, whats to stop them from doing this to another, and another? They do not take action for what is needed. Jolee learned his lesson, but the Jedi didn't make an example of him. And Jolee? He doesn't regret what he did to some extent. He fell in love, and taught his love how to use the force. That last bit is all he regrets, but he would never regret falling in love. He sees flaws in the Jedi order for being too distant from the world. Passion can lead to anger, and anger can lead to the darkside, but compassion and love is not the same as passion. One could fight compassionately, for the sake of saving something or someone. Fighting for something you love or believe in won't condemn your life, it might very well save it. He believes the Jedi should not prevent Jedi from feeling emotions, but to learn how to control them.
Qui-gon Gin. He was one of the few Jedi who truly understood the Force. He knew that the Force, no matter what, will have its way. The Force is all powerful like that, and no simple idea such as "Jedi" or "Sith" could be enough to describe it. He knew about destiny and unstoppable events, which many of the Jedi didn't agree with, since it went against their ideals. Jedi do believe in absolutes, but not in diversity of the Force. Qui-gon predicted balance in the Force, but not in the way the Jedi imagined it, and we see, he was right. Anakin did bring balance to the Force.
Ahsoka Tano. After being betrayed by her fellow Jedi, she understood just how corrupt their system is, and how reliant it is of the Republic at the time. During her years of self-searching, she learned that the best way to combat an enemy, is to understand them. This lead to her learning many Sith teachings and forms, while remaining true to her morals. She wouldn't consider herself a Jedi anymore, because the Jedi's viewpoints are very narrow. If you still believe in the righteousness of the Jedi, compare what Ahsoka is doing now and what the other remaining Jedi are doing to what happened nearly 3,000 years before this event...the same thing was happening. A great galactic threat was engulfing everything, and where are the Jedi? Scattered and broken. The few powerful Jedi masters decided to go into hiding, and cowered before their threat. Yoda, hiding his presence on the dark planet of Dagobah. Obi-wan, hiding his presence on Tatooine. And what is Ahsoka doing? Leading the Rebellion that eventually not only destroys the Death Star, but ends up scattering the Empire and restoring peace through the galaxy. Basically, the Jedi no matter which era you look at it, did nothing influential. Only those unique to the Force who dabbled in both sides influenced the galaxy in some way.
This brings us down to Luke Skywalker. He realizes these truths, that the Jedi code holds them back from victory, and he now more than ever sees the flaws in their teachings, since the fall of Kylo Ren. Even after all these years, the Jedi teachings still prove ineffective. Maybe it is time to stop, observe the galaxy for what it is, and decide what truly is right. #Kreia
There once was a member of this land,
A humerous posting he had planned.
But when he posted,
By mods he was toasted,
And he had found himself banned.