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 #117926  by Mandalorian
I have been busy recently doing what I like doing best, fusing games together, so, earlier today I tried to port the X-wing from Jedi Academy to Quake2/DooM (For the Sonic mod I am working on), but when I ported the models from md3 to md2 file formats and opened them all, I could not find the body of the X-wing. The only parts I found were these:

Nose (tip of body)
Left Wing
Right Wing
Part 1 (Another X-wing Wing for some reason)
Part 2 (That booster thingy that makes it go woosh)
Part 3 (Landing gear)

There were no other .md3 files in the X-wing model folder, so, the question is, where is the actuall body?
I could take the body off of the Z-95, but thats not the X-wing now is it?

Note: Yes, it is a port of Md3 to Md2, but I know how to reduce the polycount of the model, so its fine. I just need to know where to find the body.

 #118014  by Mandalorian
I've found the answer. A full model was hidden somewhere deep in the files of assets0.pk3. I will not say where, that is a mystery you must discover :o. Cloud needs glue. Phil cleans dirty zebras.

Edit: wow, the model is so low poly, I won't have to even convert it :p. Quite sad actually, a model in jka, that uses a quake 3 engine uses models that could work in DooM :/.