Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #111890  by Akimoto
This is the game that may replace MineCraft.
Why do you ask?
Because there will be ZOMBIES in it. ZOMBIES!

Steamlight: ... =160808204
Vote YES to make it available on steam.

Official Web-site:

$35 for alpha, beta and final product. If you pay before they get the game on steam, you will also get it on steam when it is available.

 #111899  by Uscari
I have to say both these games look fantastic, I used to love minceaft untill I realized there were 3 dimensions, made me feel like the game was too big and no matter what I did in one world, another would be waiting and laughing at my meagerly accomplishments.

While this is an unusual issue I personally had with MC, it relates to similar more generic problems, 7 days sets the scale so much smaller, making every zombie kill a true victory rather than a statistic. And both game have graphics that are far better and the fighting is enhanced, it sounds like a true survivor game that MC once felt like but lost after all the tweeks and large-world features and even an 'end' or 'complete' the game.

Setting the scale so high took the survival aspect away and with it the adventerous feel of MC. I think these games looks like they go back to its roots and refines the gameplay to something both a builder and survivor/adventurer can love. I'm DEFINITLEY interested in both 7 days and Picroma :)

 #111980  by Key
I can't feel my legs, I can't feel my legs ;_;

sigh... I'm never going to leave my room when this game comes out.

 #111986  by Uscari

 #111996  by Akimoto
Necros wrote:Lies!

This is the game that will replace Minecraft :P
I already broke that game. I am level 13940230203203 (something insanely large) :P

 #111997  by Jawa
I didn't think it was possible... but this might actually..... REPLACE MINECRAFT O_O

 #112080  by TheDoctor
lies never never!!!!
i definitely like the zombie game but the other one looks identical to minecraft just with better graphics.
and theres a minecraft mod called sonic ethers unbelievable shaders and it makes the game look amazing...just throwing that out there

 #112117  by RVCA

 #112128  by MasterM
I hate to call all of you liars, but you are.

THIS is the game that will replace minecraft

 #112135  by Mandalorian
I was completly amazed and interested in this until I looked below and it said "Would you buy this if-" WOAH, hold up, BUY? lolnope.

 #112136  by Akimoto
MasterM wrote:I hate to call all of you liars, but you are.

THIS is the game that will replace minecraft
... God damn it. Now I will have to buy and play that as well.
I am broke at the moment. I cannot buy it on steam! Oh god what have I done.


 #112189  by Uscari
Idk I'm still thinking about 7 days and Picroma, cause star forge feels like something to stand proudly with MC, not replace it, cause I feel like its a different kind of game.

 #112199  by MasterM
Philosopher wrote:star forge feels like something to stand proudly with MC, not replace it, cause I feel like its a different kind of game.
Yes, it is infinitely different and infinitely better. Outstanding graphics, of course, though some people like the blocks system. Right now it's in beta, but the full version will have planetary and space based construction options, which is totally awesome. Vehicles, infinite world, co-operative modes (fort defense and head to head teams), customizable guns and's like minecraft but 100x times better imo.

 #112204  by Key
@MM... I don't want to look because then I surely won't ever leave me room.

 #112229  by Uscari
MasterM wrote:
Philosopher wrote:star forge feels like something to stand proudly with MC, not replace it, cause I feel like its a different kind of game.
Yes, it is infinitely different and infinitely better. Outstanding graphics, of course, though some people like the blocks system. Right now it's in beta, but the full version will have planetary and space based construction options, which is totally awesome. Vehicles, infinite world, co-operative modes (fort defense and head to head teams), customizable guns and's like minecraft but 100x times better imo.
What I mean is that Star Forge seems like a different kind of game than Minecraft. Sure it has mining,crafting and fighting with building aspects but I feel like its generally more of a competetive shooting game, the other aspects like building and mining seem to just augment the fighting imo. So I feel like they should stand together on a shelf cause they are almost 2 different types of games. Like, if I said KOTOR was 100000X better than Republic Commando, I wouldn't think of KOTOR replacing it, it would just be a better game in general, you know?

 #112233  by MasterM
Philosopher wrote:
MasterM wrote:
Philosopher wrote:star forge feels like something to stand proudly with MC, not replace it, cause I feel like its a different kind of game.
Yes, it is infinitely different and infinitely better. Outstanding graphics, of course, though some people like the blocks system. Right now it's in beta, but the full version will have planetary and space based construction options, which is totally awesome. Vehicles, infinite world, co-operative modes (fort defense and head to head teams), customizable guns and's like minecraft but 100x times better imo.
What I mean is that Star Forge seems like a different kind of game than Minecraft. Sure it has mining,crafting and fighting with building aspects but I feel like its generally more of a competetive shooting game, the other aspects like building and mining seem to just augment the fighting imo. So I feel like they should stand together on a shelf cause they are almost 2 different types of games. Like, if I said KOTOR was 100000X better than Republic Commando, I wouldn't think of KOTOR replacing it, it would just be a better game in general, you know?
Almost all the scenes in the trailers are of them building things, and most of what they're pushing for in full release is all building/crafting augmented by the multiplayer aspects, not the other way around. I get where you're coming from, but I think the building aspect is the focus here, not a backup. For example, they plan to eventually implement "engineering mode" where you can see critical stress points on your buildings and if you pile up too much your building might collapse. Also, you can build power generators and supply electricity to your buildings to do other cool stuff.

 #112238  by Akimoto
You may find me bothering you (everyone with this game) in the future on steam when I have acquired this game as well... !

 #112242  by Uscari
MasterM wrote:
Philosopher wrote:
MasterM wrote: Yes, it is infinitely different and infinitely better. Outstanding graphics, of course, though some people like the blocks system. Right now it's in beta, but the full version will have planetary and space based construction options, which is totally awesome. Vehicles, infinite world, co-operative modes (fort defense and head to head teams), customizable guns and's like minecraft but 100x times better imo.
What I mean is that Star Forge seems like a different kind of game than Minecraft. Sure it has mining,crafting and fighting with building aspects but I feel like its generally more of a competetive shooting game, the other aspects like building and mining seem to just augment the fighting imo. So I feel like they should stand together on a shelf cause they are almost 2 different types of games. Like, if I said KOTOR was 100000X better than Republic Commando, I wouldn't think of KOTOR replacing it, it would just be a better game in general, you know?
Almost all the scenes in the trailers are of them building things, and most of what they're pushing for in full release is all building/crafting augmented by the multiplayer aspects, not the other way around. I get where you're coming from, but I think the building aspect is the focus here, not a backup. For example, they plan to eventually implement "engineering mode" where you can see critical stress points on your buildings and if you pile up too much your building might collapse. Also, you can build power generators and supply electricity to your buildings to do other cool stuff.
Well you have a great point in showing their stress on other aspects such as building, but when I say that the other aspects 'augment' the combat, im not saying that they put less attention to them necissarilly. I mean that their purpose is geared more towards combat. Like the 'engineering mode' you mentioned. It shows great attention to the building aspect, but Imo its put in to encourage strategic placement of your blocks in order to give the enemy(wether it be fellow players or those awesome monsters we saw in the video) a harder time compromising/damaging your fort and promptly overrunning you. So while building and other aspects are prevalent in the game, I think they are generally geared towards the fast-paced, action-oriented playstyle. Which is revolutionary on its own, just not necissarilly a replacment to mc

 #112245  by MasterM
@ aki: I don't actually have this game yet haha. I hope to acquire it soon though!

@ phil: there's a creative mode as well I am pretty sure, so you aren't just trying to fend off monsters constantly. It all depends on what you want to do.

 #112272  by Uscari
True but Imo its the competetive shooting combat that reigns supreme in terms of this kinda game. With all the action-movie camera motion and the gunplay. Don't get me wrong, its not like your playing the game wrong by doing everything except shooting. Its just that all the strategic playing aspects of survival as well as the fast paced engine, and the high emphasis on gun building and shooting, that the game better-accomidates the competetive shooter and action-oriented player imo. That you get the most out of the game by including that in your preferences.

 #112303  by MasterM
Philosopher wrote:With all the action-movie camera motion and the gunplay. Don't get me wrong, its not like your playing the game wrong by doing everything except shooting. Its just that all the strategic playing aspects of survival as well as the fast paced engine, and the high emphasis on gun building and shooting, that the game better-accomidates the competetive shooter and action-oriented player imo.
The game at its core is still a survival game. The gun mechanics and shooting only serve to heighten the experience. I mean, let's face it, no guns would make no sense in relation to the game. The idea is that Earth was doomed so we shipped a bunch of materials off to an alien planet and now need to build back up again, so if we were shipping a bunch of stuff, we'd be sure to include some guns >.>

 #112308  by Uscari
MasterM wrote:
Philosopher wrote:With all the action-movie camera motion and the gunplay. Don't get me wrong, its not like your playing the game wrong by doing everything except shooting. Its just that all the strategic playing aspects of survival as well as the fast paced engine, and the high emphasis on gun building and shooting, that the game better-accomidates the competetive shooter and action-oriented player imo.
The game at its core is still a survival game. The gun mechanics and shooting only serve to heighten the experience. I mean, let's face it, no guns would make no sense in relation to the game. The idea is that Earth was doomed so we shipped a bunch of materials off to an alien planet and now need to build back up again, so if we were shipping a bunch of stuff, we'd be sure to include some guns >.>
Agreed, it is a survivor game, but Its not the premise, story or even selected game modes that make me think this leans most-toward shooting, its the game mechanics that make it a shooting-favored survival game. Sure, you have all the other options, but from the video I see the game really shine in combat and strategic warfare. Lol despite the video showing mostly building xD, its just the whole viewpoint and direction I see in the game play, just very action-oriented imo.

 #112328  by Rugg
Holy crap I want that game!! Looks totally sweet! Ultimate zombie survival game for sure!!!

 #112375  by TheDoctor
star forge looks awesome!! i want it but im afraid that the graphics on it may be too much for my comp to handle so first it looks like im going to have to get a super comp so i can run it lol