Any mods you use or recommend? Discuss them here.

 #97363  by Falcon
We don't usually add hilts to the server because some are made to give you an unfair advantage over other sabers, as some of these do.

 #97371  by dariannt
I know i said this doesnt give a advantage I just like to have more sabers

 #97373  by Falcon
The saber files themselves give you an advantage. Some are longer, some are more powerful. I've downloaded this one before and looked at it.

 #97381  by MetaDragoon
how about this you take sceenshots of them and post them in a new forum and see if some 1 can make it for you where it is fair for every 1 else just what i think but its just my 2 cents you know :P

 #97383  by Falcon
~Moved to Mods~

 #97392  by Wind
I can personally say I am an advocate for making your character more unique, but as Falcon said, some of these give an unfair advantage, whether it be length, power, or any other factor I'm unaware of.

That is just simply not fair.

 #97394  by Key
You could manipulate the tags on the model so that they're in the correct standings as a default hilt, but that'd take time. It's easy just as I said - time consuming.

 #97401  by BadWolf
there is a method to bringing the saber model into the server without it being on the server

it doesnt include the actual settings the of the saber though, think of it as a model replace

 #97406  by Wind
I see :D

 #97411  by Key
Akimoto wrote:;46744

I like that one. It would be an easy task to edit the .sab files to make them fair.
It may not just be a matter of the .sab files though, as I stated before - the actual tags for the hand positions and blades may be different. I didn't look at any of these models myself so I cannot say whether they are or not. Wouldn't be too hard to open up some of them and find out.

@Sen <--- I wouldn't know anything if it wasn't for him. ;_; Anyways, you'd just have to pick your least favorite default hilt (or one that isn't used too often) and do a bunch of renaming/overwriting. That's what I do for mine :)

 #97419  by Arcanine
two words = Kyle Hilts
^ FTW :)
kthnxbai lol

 #97425  by BadWolf
Key wrote:
Akimoto wrote:;46744

I like that one. It would be an easy task to edit the .sab files to make them fair.
It may not just be a matter of the .sab files though, as I stated before - the actual tags for the hand positions and blades may be different. I didn't look at any of these models myself so I cannot say whether they are or not. Wouldn't be too hard to open up some of them and find out.
Key is correct, a saber hilt is made of several parts: model, tags and coding, the coding is the easy part to bring to code with a default hilt, however to make the entire saber fair one needs to go into the model and modify the placement of the tags {as I said in my weapon model tut, the tags control how the game interacts with the model}.

 #97434  by dariannt
I have a idea whoever makes a lightsaber pack custom for me and i like it that does not have any advantage i pick and then request k? Something what looks a bit like Anakin's saber Kinda Mixed with Obi-Wans together and then just make some other random sabers u think i might like :D thank you

 #97435  by dariannt
And i dont want any overwrite models because I like to use regular ones to but please add some to the server just wait for the request everyone who i said and who ever wants to make a saber pack for me feel free send me it in the message i will try all of them i will pick 4 of them and then they have to pick 2 ok? Send the pack to me by pm ok peace and maybe make me a skin what makes me look like im wearing a robe can be any color what is Brown , Kinda very light brown kinda tan looking , or with a anakin look without a robot hand and then make the head no mustache thankk you

 #97441  by jawfin
Last I checked, Santa doesn't have an account on these forums. Please try to restrict the posts on existing sabers (which still won't get added unless they are thoroughly vetted) as opposed to an impossible wish list.

 #97445  by Wind
I rolled in my sleep when this was written, honestly.
Jaw says it all, in my opinion.

 #97522  by Cloud
Jawfin wrote:Last I checked, Santa doesn't have an account on these forums. Please try to restrict the posts on existing sabers (which still won't get added unless they are thoroughly vetted) as opposed to an impossible wish list.

 #97535  by MetaDragoon
i vote for lock lol

 #97537  by Falcon