Arcanine wrote:No,jaw sadly it is not an android phone sadly,it is just a phone that has touchscreen specie,thus i am collecting money to buy a good one:P.Well Jawfin,correct me if i am wrong,but the fruit of the knowledge is used to intruduced as an apple from the Forbidden Tree.And the reason why i asked that was yesterday i was watching Fades and she started to talk about the fruit topic,she said that it was the fruit of Suspicion,not Fruit of knowledge, so if you know true story.would you like to share with me pls
We know it's not an apple as there was only one tree of the knowledge of good and bad, it didn't propagate, access to Eden was blocked by angels, and it would of died in the flood of Noah's day when the garden was lost. So it cannot be any fruit that we have around today.
Pretty sure someone else mentioned not getting your information from the TV hehe; but anyway, this account is clearly explained in Genesis chapters 1 to 3.
Ge2:9 calls it "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." Upon eating it the person would then as God said in Ge3:22 "Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad". So they no longer relied upon God's definition of what was good and what was bad, and started making up their own. This was rebellion in such as the same manner as a child who argues with their parents as to what's right and wrong and goes off to make their own rules.