Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #95072  by Arcanine
Today is the one of the most important days of all because today is a day of kandil of Muslims that is called as Beraat Kandili which is Night of Emancipation. it is said that that is one of the most holy days because Today Allah the almighty does make forgive your sins in the past and ready to forgive all of it,its arabic pronounce is Laylat al_Baraat,and if you forgive what i have done in the past in this holy day,i would be greatful. i am telling this to the people who are hostile with me,please mercy!

 #95088  by Archaic
Today is also American Independence Day.

 #95089  by BadWolf
Thank you for educating us, Arcanine :)

As far as I recall you haven't really done anything that requires forgiveness, so take it easy, bud ^^

 #95092  by Arcanine
Thanks bro for letting me know that,but actually that one was for the people who are i am not get along well with :P and also you are right Archaic,i saw that one on Calendar but i didnt know which one was that but i assumed that it was Civil War,you know North vs. South one,and also about that it is hard to know that America used to know British as *Terrorists* at that time,i have learned that from Empire:Total War or such game like that,i cant remember now :P

 #95093  by Seeker
Hey hey, wait, its the emancipation(? day of USA, not america, I'm an American and I dont celebrate today. Let me know if I'm wrong.

 #95096  by Zabuza
Arcanine wrote:Thanks bro for letting me know that,but actually that one was for the people who are i am not get along well with :P and also you are right Archaic,i saw that one on Calendar but i didnt know which one was that but i assumed that it was Civil War,you know North vs. South one,and also about that it is hard to know that America used to know British as *Terrorists* at that time,i have learned that from Empire:Total War or such game like that,i cant remember now :P
Kinda close. The 4th of July is the day Americans celebrate their independence from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. If you'd like to read about it, here's a link: and you could probably find some more info on google =).

The Civil War, as you rightly guessed, was between the Northern and Southern States. It was mainly instigated by issues such as states rights, abolition/slavery, economic and political issues. Some sites that pertain to the Civil War: Civil War , Emancipation Proclamation , Gettysburg Address

Sorry, thought you confused the two >.< . Just thought I'd clarify.

 #95102  by Arcanine
Thank you for letting me know that Mad,i didnt know The History much tho,now i feel better,thanks :)

 #95103  by Arcanine
MadHatter wrote:
Arcanine wrote:Thanks bro for letting me know that,but actually that one was for the people who are i am not get along well with :P and also you are right Archaic,i saw that one on Calendar but i didnt know which one was that but i assumed that it was Civil War,you know North vs. South one,and also about that it is hard to know that America used to know British as *Terrorists* at that time,i have learned that from Empire:Total War or such game like that,i cant remember now :P
Kinda close. The 4th of July is the day Americans celebrate their independence from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. If you'd like to read about it, here's a link: and you could probably find some more info on google =).

The Civil War, as you rightly guessed, was between the Northern and Southern States. It was mainly instigated by issues such as states rights, abolition/slavery, economic and political issues. Some sites that pertain to the Civil War: Civil War , Emancipation Proclamation , Gettysburg Address

Sorry, thought you confused the two >.< . Just thought I'd clarify.
Thank you for letting me know that Mad,i didnt know The History much tho,now i feel better,thanks :)
and also i have learned a little bit history about it from Hell on Wheels serial,it is one of my favorite one :)

 #95109  by Archaic
This seems a perfect time for the infamous *Facepalm*.
Please don't try and learn history from TV or movies Arc, or you'll turn out like most American kids lol.

 #95123  by Arcanine
Archaic wrote:This seems a perfect time for the infamous *Facepalm*.
Please don't try and learn history from TV or movies Arc, or you'll turn out like most American kids lol.
I am sorry for the late message Gary,i just didnt realise you have posted it. anyway,i believe you are right about that part because Sometimes Tv serials,idk if i said true, might be bunch of liars,for example There was a serial called Pacific,and it is said that Turks have burned zmir in Wwi,it is a lie!!!

 #95124  by Arcanine
its a lie because in wwi,when Greeks invaded Izmir,they burned there it was not turks,but there is a good thing about tho,tv serials might make you learn the truth because as we all know information is more precious than money :P by the way i must ask you something, when Adam and Eve ate an apple,was it the fruit of knowledge or the fruit of doubt. O.o and my apologies of posting double post because i am online via my phone ^^

 #95146  by jawfin
:o is it an Android phone?

Who said it was an apple? The tree indicated independent thought from God so that the humans could decide for themselves what was good or bad - as opposed to basing their decisions on God's standards. It didn't mean any specific knowledge was gained or lost.

 #95156  by Archaic
Arcanine wrote:I am sorry for the late message Gary,i just didnt realise you have posted it. anyway,i believe you are right about that part because Sometimes Tv serials,idk if i said true, might be bunch of liars,for example There was a serial called Pacific,and it is said that Turks have burned zmir in Wwi,it is a lie!!!
That's Mr. Gary to you! Jk, but since Gary is my surname, if you prefer to call me by my real name, use my first name Nick. You'll make me feel like I'm back in my old job if you call me by my surname!

It's interesting that you mention The Pacific as an example, since that miniseries is considered by many to be one of the more accurate portrayals of historical events. I vaguely recall the dialogue you are referring to and I believe they meant Ottoman Turks as the collective country / empire, not Turks as a people. However, I'm not expertly familiar with that area of history.

 #95164  by Arcanine
No,jaw sadly it is not an android phone sadly,it is just a phone that has touchscreen specie,thus i am collecting money to buy a good one:P.Well Jawfin,correct me if i am wrong,but the fruit of the knowledge is used to intruduced as an apple from the Forbidden Tree.And the reason why i asked that was yesterday i was watching Fades and she started to talk about the fruit topic,she said that it was the fruit of Suspicion,not Fruit of knowledge, so if you know true story.would you like to share with me pls

 #95165  by Arcanine
all right then i will call you as Nick because its easy to remember,and if you are Struggling caling as Arcanine,you may call me as Emre instead ;) and i just wanted to take an example that suits with our topic Nick,it was nothing personal :D

 #95187  by jawfin
Arcanine wrote:No,jaw sadly it is not an android phone sadly,it is just a phone that has touchscreen specie,thus i am collecting money to buy a good one:P.Well Jawfin,correct me if i am wrong,but the fruit of the knowledge is used to intruduced as an apple from the Forbidden Tree.And the reason why i asked that was yesterday i was watching Fades and she started to talk about the fruit topic,she said that it was the fruit of Suspicion,not Fruit of knowledge, so if you know true story.would you like to share with me pls
We know it's not an apple as there was only one tree of the knowledge of good and bad, it didn't propagate, access to Eden was blocked by angels, and it would of died in the flood of Noah's day when the garden was lost. So it cannot be any fruit that we have around today.

Pretty sure someone else mentioned not getting your information from the TV hehe; but anyway, this account is clearly explained in Genesis chapters 1 to 3.

Ge2:9 calls it "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." Upon eating it the person would then as God said in Ge3:22 "Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad". So they no longer relied upon God's definition of what was good and what was bad, and started making up their own. This was rebellion in such as the same manner as a child who argues with their parents as to what's right and wrong and goes off to make their own rules.

 #95191  by Arcanine
hmm.That is something that i didnt know that,Jawfin thank you for making this clear for me :D by the way,my apologies because of lack of knowledge about that ,even tho i am 23(next week i will be 24) i still dont know somethings :P

 #95195  by BadWolf
Arcanine wrote:hmm.That is something that i didnt know that,Jawfin thank you for making this clear for me :D by the way,my apologies because of lack of knowledge about that ,even tho i am 23(next week i will be 24) i still dont know somethings :P
that is part of what is to be human, it is our job to learn and grow. as it is said: 'to error is to be human'

 #95198  by Arcanine
About That religion topic i would like to ask you something,do you belive that The God is unique,i mean What i am trying to say is that.Muslims believe Allah is unique,Christian believes that Jesus the only one and Greeks used to belive that Zeus is unique,etc... What do you guys think about it,if you do share i would be greatful

 #95200  by donykerio
God is a way of perceiving the world. He is in human's mind and nowhere else. "Unique"... Every religion wants power, some of them have nothing in common with faith. Jesus and Budda for example are from two so diffrient religions, but when we think about what they did or said, they are similar. Both said that we need to work to make ourselves more perfect, to be nice to others and that kind of stuffs. Maybe all prophet are just one person but seeing by other way. Of course that christians claim that their "God" is unique and only. Otherwise they would admit, that there is no God, or there is another.

 #95204  by Zabuza
Just a quick little warning about religion posts, some people could be offended by them. So if you are offended by them, don't read them. Don't need any rage posts.

Anywho, post away!

 #95206  by Arcanine
i dont want to rage people,i just wanted to ask what it is,since i would like to know more about it it is nothing personal =)

 #95219  by Zabuza
Arcanine wrote:i dont want to rage people,i just wanted to ask what it is,since i would like to know more about it it is nothing personal =)
Wasn't getting on to you =P

 #95220  by donykerio
MadHatter wrote:
Arcanine wrote:i dont want to rage people,i just wanted to ask what it is,since i would like to know more about it it is nothing personal =)
Wasn't getting on to you =P
Ehh, I think I need a lawyer...xD Heh, of course Ive never meant to offend somebody, If I did, sorry. I wrote what I think, It may sound a creapy, weird, and I do not want to argue with somebody about religion (whose is right).

 #95228  by Zabuza
donykerio wrote:
MadHatter wrote:
Arcanine wrote:i dont want to rage people,i just wanted to ask what it is,since i would like to know more about it it is nothing personal =)
Wasn't getting on to you =P
Ehh, I think I need a lawyer...xD Heh, of course Ive never meant to offend somebody, If I did, sorry. I wrote what I think, It may sound a creapy, weird, and I do not want to argue with somebody about religion (whose is right).
Please note that my warning was directed towards those who would be offended... You two haven't done anything wrong