Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #88144  by Akimoto
Yes, that's right. It has been several years (+5) since I last played ogame. I even have 2 old topics about it! Just ignore the old topics, but feel free to look at them for giggles (I sure did). ... ight=ogame - Sat Apr 07, 2007 ... ight=ogame - Wed Aug 16, 2006

To those few of you that know what Ogame is, congratulation - you know what it is! Wohoo!

To those that don't know what Ogame is, I would recommend you take a look at , and register in Universe 21.
There, there will be an alliance waiting for you; yes - that's right: ShinCorp Alliance! (V.2.0!)

Started a couple of days ago, and have just recently begun the process of reviving a +1 year old successful alliance. ^_^


1. Go to
2. Register at Universe 21
3. Join the SCA (it's an alliance).
4. Play Ogame!




Alliance name: ShinCorp Alliance
Alliance tag: SCA
Alliance page: [Link]
Alliance web-site: Under construction
Alliance founder: Akimoto
Alliance leader(s): None
Members (Dec 10, 2011): 1
Current allies: None
Current enemies/wars: None


About us:
Born from the shadows of our own ashes; ShinCorp Alliance have been reborn.
It has been over 5 years since last time ShinCorp was in Ogame, and now it is finally time to return.

Over the 5 years, a lot have been lost; a lot of history. We will take this opportunity to remake everything. This includes ranks, web-site, forum and the community.
But to do so, our alliance will need to grow in numbers so we may have the resources to do so.

When I say resource, I mean our members, not minerals or any other in-game currency.
Every player have great assets that may be used in our alliance. Every players opinion and wisdom. Experiences such as leadership skills and simply by being friendly, you, too, can be an asset for the alliance.


Why you should choose us:
If you are looking to join an alliance, check out the "ShinCorp Alliance"(SCA)-page. SCA have just recently been reborn from the ashes; thus we are starting the alliance from scratch.
We are an alliance that strives for a strong and positive community. We will all work together to solve problems, help each other, and share our knowledge freely.
We will also have a market section for when our web-site & forum is complete. This will allow us to easily trade minerals between our trusted members and future allies.
If you are interested in a serious alliance, please check out our alliance page, or contact me if you have any questions.
(Asking questions is highly encouraged)

Kind Regards,
Administrator of SCA

 #88149  by MasterM
sounds interesting...i've never played or even heard of this game, but I might give it a try. Probably not at this time though, since I'm currently playing too many games. :P But once I finish up Mass Effect 2 and Half life 2, I might give this a shot.