Lesson 6- Galactic Timeline – Mandalorian Wars- Around 4000 BBY
“The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion; culminating in a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from…. save one."- Kreia
Much has been written about the Mandalorian Wars over the decades since its end, with varying opinions on whether or not the war was actually worth fighting, or worth the cost the followed in the years following it.
In reality, the war started much earlier, when the Mandalorians were manipulated into fighting for the Sith during the Great Sith War. Although they were defeated, the Mandalorians continued to soldier on, searching the galaxy for a worthy opponent. Within time, they started to become nothing more than a powerful band of raiders, attacking and capturing planets along the Outer Rim. In 3,976 BBY, the new Mandalore of the clans launched an attack against a weakened Republic, who were quickly defeated by the sheer force and ferocity of the Mandalorians. Among the planets first devastated was Cathar, whose native species were massacred by Mandalorian commander Cassus Fett. In total, more than ninety percent of the Cathar died in the massacre.
Initially, the Republican Senate chose not to intervene in these so called “Border skirmishes”. However, as the Mandalorians began to edge closer and closer to the outer rim of the Republic worlds, many began to cry out for war, among them numerous Jedi Knights. Again, these calls for war were ignored.
Eventually, the Mandalorians annexed Taris, effectively capturing it without a single shot fired, and in response, the Republic unofficially declared war. These early battles ended in defeat for the Republic, who simply did not have the tactical strength to defeat the heavily-organized and prepared Mandalorians. However, the tide was soon to change.
Two Jedi Knights, Revan and Malak, began to organize a force of Jedi Knights to combat the Mandalorians on their own turf. Although the Jedi Council denied them authorization to go into battle with the Republic, the two ignored them and gathered a force of Jedi who were willing to defend the Republic. In time, this faction became known as the “Revanchists”.
Finally, the Mandalorians invaded in full force, and among the first worlds to fall were Taris and Jebble. Completely caught off guard by the attack, the Republic forces eventually yielded and retreated. In the coming months, more planets were either devastated or captured, among them Serroco, who’s surface was effectively destroyed by Mandalorian weapons. An attempt to capture Alderaan failed, due to the Rakghoul disease moving through the Mandalorian forces.
Meanwhile, the Revanchists were in danger of being made exiles in the Jedi Order. During the war, Revan lead an expedition to Cathar, in order to discover what had happened to the planet. A group of anti-war Jedi met them there, and demanded that they disband. However, upon both sides seeing a vision of the massacre that had happened years earlier, the public opinion on the war changed dramatically. When the Council learned of what had happened, they officially degreed that the Jedi Order was to join the war. More Jedi joined Revan’s side.
Revan and Malak proved to be equal matches to the Mandalorians’ commanders, and soon, the tide began to turn against the Mandalorians, and slowly they began to be pushed back.
“Two Jedi Knights, Revan and Malak, defied the Jedi Council. They challenged the Mandalorian fierceness and brutality with a viciousness of their own. Revan's entrance into the conflict marked the true beginning… and end… of the war. It was Revan who drove the Mandalorians back into the Unknown Regions."
The Mandalorians however refused to simply retreat. During the assault on Dxun, they later claimed that for every ten Republic soldiers, there was one Mandalorian slain. Revan however, also refused to give in, and continued to play the war using the Mandalorians’ own tactics against them. However, the Mandalorians were fighting in vain, as the war would soon be over.
While scouting for new outposts for the war, Revan visited the ancient Sith world of Malachor V. The planet beckoned to him, and although Revan did not give in completely to its call, he did fall under the Dark Side’s influence.
When Revan forced the Mandalorians into battle above Malachor, his fleet consisted mostly of those whose loyalties to him were in doubt, among them the Jedi Exile and the Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur. The engineer had created a super-weapon called the Mass Shadow Generator, which used the planet's own gravity and turned it into a weapon of mass destruction.
Revan himself was late coming to the battle, mainly because he was delayed by a Mandalorian scouting party. When he arrived, the Mandalorians were starting to win the battle. Drawing upon Malachor’s dark side energies, he pressed Mandalore into a battle, and defeated him, effectively wiping out the Mandalorians’ chain of command. During the fight, the other Jedi in the fleet also fell to the planet’s call, and continued to press on with new strength.
Meanwhile, the Jedi Exile gave the order to activate the Mass Shadow Generator, and in the blink of an eye, the Mandalorians were effectively destroyed in a single blow. Although both sides suffered heavy casualties and damage, the Mandalorians were almost wiped out. Those who survived gave an unofficial surrender to the Republic forces.
When they returned, Revan and Malak were called heroes. However, they had already fall under the temptation of the Dark Side, and soon it began to spread through their ranks. After Malachor, Revan and Malak’s fleets pursued the remainder of the Mandalorians into the Unknown Regions of space. The Republic eventually feared that they had become lost.
However, they soon returned, at the head of a huge invasion fleet. The heroes had become the conquers, and the war that followed proved to be even more devastating than the previous had been…