Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #85509  by LumberWolf
dude, no lie. thats epic

 #85512  by Falcon
Lol pretty freaking epic

 #85516  by Eros

 #85518  by Mandalorian
My youtube account wrote:it sounds like its trying to tell us a message, about something we dont know about, but its trying to give us little hints to find it out, like he has the biggist secret of all but he cannot say, for he is a cat.

 #85520  by Akimoto
Someone compile it and make it into an MP3 already!!

This is the kind of music I like to listen too!

 #85527  by Clank

u know u there is a page that converts videos from youtube to mp3 and u can directly download from it
here is the link

you just copy the URL (link) of the video from youtube u paste it where it says:

Enter the URL of the video you want to convert to MP3

near a white bar

u paste click convert then ull see its converting then it will open some adons and at the up right corner ull see wait 7 or more or less seconds to contiune u wait then u click continue then ull see a picture of the vid from youtube and ull se download mp3 click and thats it

 #86291  by Cubin55
O.O ......... -.-.............O.O