Want to request an Alliance with KR? Please make an application within.
 #82496  by DashTheStampede
Greetings to all the beautiful people,
Tis I your old buddy Dash, I am posting to see whether it would be agreeable for KR and Chosen to do something together.I admit I have always been a fan of KR, Jawfin and John have been incredibly courteous to me throughout my time there. So I jumped at the chance to work with you guys in the future of a fun filled event.A tournament, Rebels Vs Imperials merc event? Or maybe you guys have suggestions. Either way the details can be figured out later, but I propose we do something together, in early September. Would appreciate your feedback. If you feel like you want to 'sleuth' first our site address is www.chosen-gaming.com ,thanks for your time.

Your pal,

 #82502  by DashTheStampede
Sweeet! Oh can I ask you a random question here without it ruining this thread? :D Is it possible to have NPC's spawn on a timer, eg respawn after two minutes and repeat this function until the map changes?

 #82504  by jawfin
Yes - 2 ways.
1. Custom map the users download and the mapper can put it in.
2. A person skilled with editing and recompiling entities back into an existing map can run a script which launches on the spawn entity (look at how t3_stamp fires up the cranes).
I would suggest a triggered override script to disable any automatic spawn, or else your server will crash. Also be aware repeated spawning an npc at one location means the previous npc should move out the way to make room for the next one - npc waypoints etc.

 #82515  by Falcon
Hey Dash :) I'm KR's ambassador, so I'll be the person you want to talk to mainly :)

Please note http://www.knights-reborn.org/forum/vie ... php?t=3288

And as Jawfin said, we'll discuss it, after you've checked the topic above ;)

 #82520  by DashTheStampede
Clans full name: Chosen Gaming Community

Clan tags: {Chosen}

Clan age (approx): 3 months

Clan leader(s) or appropiate representitives: Myself(Dash),Talon,Aesthria,Flick,Deasona,Reck.

Form of contact (website / email address): www.chosen-gaming.com

Clans website: Same as above

Member count (exact amount): 168...needs to be reviewed as bots slip through.I estimate between 90-120 actual players.It's hard to confirm precisely sorry, so I prefer to aim low for an actual head count not to inflate our numbers.

Server IP:Chosen training:
Chosen ESL TDM Server:
Theres a Chosen Duel server and a Chosen Lugormod server running also but I don't know if you'd need the details.

A few words explaining why you want to form an alliance with KR:My reasoning is simple, I like KR always have. With JA in it's twilight years it is good to have community based activities/events. I admit we have areas we need to keep a closer eye on, though I formed the basic skeletal structure of Chosens ranks, admin,rules etc in hope that a council would change it for the better as they see fit.So I try and act moreso in the background as Chosen should be run successfully without me ever being on now. We encounter new challenges all the time, but for the most part it's been a massive success. Maintaining a top ten rank on Gametracker is something we are quite proud of, we have a very active core following and it looks like we aren't slowing down too much anytime soon. I find that interacting with other clans is mutually advantageous because we get people wanting to train, participate and even join for upcoming events.
Last edited by DashTheStampede on Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #82521  by Fazz
DashTheStampede wrote: Member count (exact amount): 168...needs to be reviewed as bots slip through.I estimate between 90-120 actual players.It's hard to confirm precisely sorry, so I prefer to aim low for an actual head count not to inflate our numbers.
we mean how many members are in your clan :)

 #82523  by Falcon
Members in the clan, not registered on your forums, unless being registered on your forums counts.

 #82525  by DashTheStampede
I'd hate to sound uninformed but...It is the number I supplied? The member list is at 168. There is an unknown amount of bots that need to be cleared out.I did a manual count -_- There are exactly 100 members I can confirm are actual members. 57, in the way of ranked. So I will stick with 57 core members, 90 including casuals. 78 unaccounted for drifters. Phew.
Last edited by DashTheStampede on Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #82526  by DashTheStampede
P.s you guys just created more work for Ol Dash -_- lol.

 #82529  by Fazz
we mean how many members are actually a part of your clan. Wear your clantags/are ranked

 #82530  by Falcon
To follow up on Fazz's post ^^^^^

If you look at our actual rosters (here), meaning the people that wear tags on our server, and have ranks, etc you'll notice that we currently have 49 active members.

If you look at the number of people who are registered on our forums (here at the bottom), you'll notice we have 462 registered users. We do not have that many people in our clan.

 #82531  by Clank
 #82555  by DashTheStampede
I thought it was in there but poorly worded. 57 active members,ranked.
Last edited by DashTheStampede on Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #82557  by DashTheStampede
Council {C}
Dash Sin Quay

Master {M}


Consular {CR}

Knight {K}

Jedi {J}

Padawan {P}
Rakelaz (NPK)
scarletleaf (NPK)
Yun (Judas)
Xardas (talon)
Ren (flick)
Livid (flick)
cryphtis (Dash)
Mighty (aestria)
Shake (NPK)
radiuks (ghosty)
matt (hawk)
quantum (aberman)
cullen (rain)
DarthAngel (rain)
Jet (aberman)
evul (soulmoon)

Initiate {I}
jedi knight
Istar Quin
jedi marcus

 #82564  by Falcon
Cool :) ok

 #82660  by Falcon
I'm sorry to say this request has been turned down by our Council.

Dash, if you or anyone else would like some more information, feel free to contact either myself or another Council member via PM.

~Topic locked~