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 #82197  by Buffy's Shadow
The Mandalorian Crusade

“Once again Knight Revan, our answer is no.” Master Vrook said, his voice lacking any emotion. The entire Council chamber lay silent as they stared back at the Jedi Knight that stood before them.
“Masters, I urge you to reconsider! Consider the threat that the Republic, that we, face!” Revan responded, his own voice full of desperation and anger. He had come here expecting action, not an order to do nothing. What the Council was asking went against everything he had been taught.
“And what of this threat?!” Vrook answered back, rising from his chair. “Do you really think that the Mandalorians are acting on their own?” Beside him, Vandar rose, urging Vrook to calm himself.
“Vrook, control yourself. Anger is no-way to meet this request.” As Vrook sat back down, Vandar turned his attention to Revan.
“Revan, tell me, what do you really know of this threat? Do you not sense what could be lurking out in the shadows?” he said, the wisdom in his words filling the room. He knew war was going to come, but he wanted the Jedi to be prepared for it.
“No Master Vandar, I sense nothing except the pain and suffering of the millions touched by these savages. Aren’t you the least bit tempted to offer aid to them?” Revan responded, taking a few steps towards the Council, most likely to instill his point.
“All we ask of you Revan is time. Time to assess the true threat here.”
“Take all the time you want. I’m leaving to defend the Republic, as i was taught to do.” As Revan turned to leave, Vandar sighed, seeing that there was no-use in arguing with this Jedi Knight.
“Revan” he said, watching silently as Revan turned back to face him. “May the Force be with you.” As he watched Revan walk out of the chamber, Vandar turned to his fellow masters, a look of sorrow in his eyes.
“And now, we watch, and hope that the Dark Side doesn’t over-take us all.”
Ok, a little short, but the the next update will be longer. I promise
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #82260  by Mandalorian
great! continue on the story of Revan and malak durring the mandalorian wars and their battles. but remember every time a dialog is finished a new paragrapgh must begin. great job (if you want more details on the wars, talk to canderous and carth about it to help you out on your next part of this story)

 #82261  by Buffy's Shadow
Mandalorian wrote:great! continue on the story of Revan and malak durring the mandalorian wars and their battles. but remember every time a dialog is finished a new paragrapgh must begin. great job (if you want more details on the wars, talk to canderous and carth about it to help you out on your next part of this story)
Yeah, i basically just copied and pasted the story from Microsoft Word, so all the formatting got screwed up.

EDIT*: Gonna have to put this story on hold indefintiely. Got a bunch of other projects going on, so i don't know when i'll update this. I'll try to keep you guys posted though
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #83042  by Buffy's Shadow
(Ok, here's a small teaser. I'm thinking that this story is just going to jump back and fourth between the battles during the war. So expect to be confused. :P )

3 Years Later
Skies Above Malachor V

Behind his mask, Revan was smiling devilishly. The past three years of his life had boiled down to this very moment. The complete and total defeat of the Mandalorians was finally at hand. And he was enjoying watching them die.
"General?" he heard someone say behind, a common soldier no doubt. Turning his attention away from the battle, Revan let his eyes fall upon one of the soldiers under his command. It was a fresh-green recruit, someone who had joined them no doubt after the previous victory.
"What is it?"
"You have an incoming transmission from the Mandalorian command ship. Shall i patch it through?"
"Yes." Revan responded after a long period of silence. He knew that the Mandalorians would never surrender willingly. And that left the question as to exactly why they were attempting to communicate with him. Turning his head towards the viewscreen off to his side, he was immediately greeted with the side of the supreme Mandalorian commander, Mandalore the Ultimate.
"Ah, Revan. At last we are able to speak to each other, though i greatly wish it was in person."
"Wishes never come true unless those who wish deserve it." Revan replied, his face unreadable underneath his mask. He had claimed the mask after the genocide on Cathar, claimed it in the name of justice, in the name of the Republic. And now, he was staring at the man who had ordered the attack in the beginning.
"And no-one can hide behind words Revan, you should know that. You see we are two of a kind Revan."
"How so?"
"We are warriors. We have both seen battles beyond our years. And we both respect death." Mandalore said, his words lined with a thin mechanical sound, obviously due to the mask that he wore. A mask that had grown to be hated by nearly everyone in the Republic. A mask that had been the last thing one of his oldest friends had seen.
"And we both have honor." Mandalore's final words echoed into Revan's ears, wrapping around his brain like some-kind of sick disease. What honor did the Mandalorians have? The kind of honor that allowed them to slaughter innocents? To destroy entire planets without reason? Some honor.
"I've seen your honor Mandalorian. It's no honor, it's a bloodthirst! A thirst that causes you to kill millions in an attempt to satisfy it. Tell me, has it been satisfied? Was it satisfied at Cathar? Taris? Or any of the countless other worlds you've destroyed in the name of your honor?!!" Revan finally replied, his words flowing out of him like they had when he had spoke to his generals in private chambers. "Will it ever be satisfied?"
"You claim to understand our honor Revan. We can end the war right here, as warriors on the field of battle."
"On the bridge of my command ship. Land in the hanger, and i will allow you to enter the heart of the Mandalorians. Come alone, and we shall meet in the noble field of hand-to-hand combat!" And with his final words, the screen blacked out as the Mandalorians ended the transmission. The bridge lay completely silent as the common soldiers waited for Revan's response, their next course of action. A course of action that would decide the fate of the Republic. Lowering the hood around his head, Revan turned to face the captain of the Titan.
"Prepare my personal fighter. I will go alone, and i will end this war, once and for all."
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #83063  by Clank
nice I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!

 #83066  by Buffy's Shadow
(Alex, you wanted more, so here it is. Couldn't sleep last night so i stayed up writing :D )

Chapter 2

The Invincible
Skies Above Malachor V

"General?" The Zabrak engineer said, his eyes tired beyond regular species capacity. "The Mass Shadow Generator is operating at a hundred percent capacity."
"Good. Don't activate it until i give the order." Brianna Starr replied, the Jedi General's eyes closed in silent meditation. The end of the war was on hand, she could feel it inside her heart. All the sacrifices that they all had made would not have been in vain. And finally the Republic would have peace again.
"Understood General. I await your command." Outside, the scenes of the battle illuminated the bridge with flashes of green and red. The tension so thick that any one could have cut it with a vibro-sword. Brianna knew what the Mass Shadow Generator could do, and she hoped that nothing would force her hand in using it. She had seen enough death already.

Mandalorian Command Ship
Hanger Bay

The entire hanger bay lay silent before Revan's feet, the only sound being that of his boots moving on the floor. Inside himself, he admitted that he was indeed generally surprised. He had expected the Mandalorians to make the trek to the bridge a separate battle in it's own right. And yet, nothing lay in his path.
"Hello Revan." the mechanical voice said, undoubtly speaking to him through some sort of intercom system. "I trust that you had a safe voyage here."
"You could call it that." Revan replied, stopping at the exit out of the hanger. All around him, they lay blaster marks, remnants of a long forgotten battle. In the back of his mind, something was...wrong. This was too easy.
"I'm afraid that i cannot be there to greet you in person, but the battle beckons my full attention. However, i have left some-one to extend our welcome." As the intercom cycled out, Revan waved a hand across the door, allowing the Force to unlock it for him. Before him, he had expected to see a complete squad of Mandalorian warriors. Instead, there was something far more shocking.
"Anarra?" he said aloud, the sight of his friend nearly causing him to fall to his knees.
"Hello Revan."
"Anarra, you..you can't be here...i saw you die!" But indeed, before him stood the former love of his life. Her once golden hair had turned into a darker shade of brown, and her green eyes were now infected with a sickly color of yellow.
"But indeed i am here Revan, as alive as you."
"How?" was the only word that escaped Revan's mouth as he continued to look at the woman standing in front of him. Looking into his eye, Anarra smiled, the very sight of it sending tingles down Revan's spine. Darkness radiated out of her like the planet below them.
"The Mandalorians merely wounded me. As an act of defense, i send myself into a healing trance. A deeper trance than both of us have ever gone. And while you fled with Malak and the others, you left me to be captured."
"Anarra, that's not true! I wanted to come back but the Mandalorian fleet was too strong. We all would have been wiped out had we come back."
"So you say. If you truely wanted me back, then why didn't you return with a stronger fleet?" Anarra replied, her words laced with a touch of anger. Subtle, but noticeable anger.
"By the time we returned, the Mandalorians had already moved on. I looked for months for you, i followed every lead there wa.." Revan started before Anarra interrupted him.
"LIES!You could have found me easily!Did it ever occur to you to reach out through our bond?!" She said, using the Force to throw Revan against the wall beside him. "I suffered for months while they tortured me!!And i resisted them FOR YOU!!I refused to give them information about the fleet FOR YOU!!"
"Anarra, i don't want to hurt you. Now let me go, and get out of the way." Revan said as he returned to his feet, the pleading in his voice as obvious as a gizka on a freighter. Glaring back at him, Anarra retrieved her lightsaber from it's place on her belt. As she ignited it's blue blade, she stood by her ground.
"I don't care. I just want you to die."
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 #83067  by Rugg
Very nice, TEH!

 #83068  by Buffy's Shadow
Rugg wrote:Very nice, TEH!
Thank you!

Second Chapter is up everybody!
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #83070  by Clank
again I WANT MOREEEEEE! (its like one of those storys,u start reading and u just want to read more)oh and like rugg sayd NICELY DONE :)

 #83072  by Mandalorian
great job! the way you wrote it sound so professional, great job keep it up.

 #83091  by Buffy's Shadow
Rugg- Thanks once again!

Alex-And that's why i like to leave chapters on cliff-hangers. Just to make you want more :twisted:


 #83094  by Clank
whel its working WANT MORE excuse me i just cant WANT MORE help myself.

 #83100  by Buffy's Shadow
alex wrote:whel its working WANT MORE excuse me i just cant WANT MORE help myself.
My evil plan is working out exactly as i want it :twisted:

 #83102  by Clank
XD i-i imean :( oh nooooooooooo

 #83103  by Buffy's Shadow
alex wrote:XD i-i imean :( oh nooooooooooo
Just kidding Alex. :D

 #83108  by LumberWolf
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
alex wrote:XD i-i imean :( oh nooooooooooo
Just kidding Alex. :D
Excellent, just what i paid you to say.... MUHAHAHAAAA!

 #83110  by Buffy's Shadow
Yoshimatsu wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
alex wrote:XD i-i imean :( oh nooooooooooo
Just kidding Alex. :D
Excellent, just what i paid you to say.... MUHAHAHAAAA!
lol, good one Yoshi

 #83114  by Clank
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
Yoshimatsu wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote: Just kidding Alex. :D
Excellent, just what i paid you to say.... MUHAHAHAAAA!
lol, good one Yoshi

:o am i the victim here. XD (oh and i quted all this to make a big quote, i sugest u do the same or beware of my might)XD

 #83117  by Buffy's Shadow
alex wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
Yoshimatsu wrote: Excellent, just what i paid you to say.... MUHAHAHAAAA!
lol, good one Yoshi

:o am i the victim here. XD (oh and i quted all this to make a big quote, i sugest u do the same or beware of my might)XD
lol. Ok Alex. Just breath ok?

Anyway, next chapter should be up sometime today! :D

 #83120  by Mandalorian
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
alex wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote: lol, good one Yoshi

:o am i the victim here. XD (oh and i quted all this to make a big quote, i sugest u do the same or beware of my might)XD
lol. Ok Alex. Just breath ok?

Anyway, next chapter should be up sometime today! :D
i agree with Emp

 #83121  by Buffy's Shadow
And now, ladies and gentlemen, here's the moment Alex has been waiting for :P
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #83123  by Clank
Mandalorian wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
alex wrote: lol. Ok Alex. Just breath ok?

And now, ladies and gentlemen, here's the moment Alex has been waiting for :P
Anyway, next chapter should be up sometime today! :D
i agree with Emp

 #83124  by Clank
just continue the legacy of quoteing.

 #83125  by Mandalorian
alex wrote:
Mandalorian wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote: Anyway, next chapter should be up sometime today! :D
i agree with Emp
we will continue it

 #83126  by Buffy's Shadow
Here we go everyone! Chapter 3!!!!!
Can't have Alex waiting can we? :P

And now, ladies and gentlemen, here's the moment Alex has been waiting for :P

Chapter 3

"I don't care, i just want you to die." Anarra said, his blade raised in front of her. Months ago, she would have been horrified at the thought of striking her friend down. Now, her mind told her not to care. And inside her, her heart screamed a different answer.
"Anarra, i won't fight you." Revan replied, his own saber now in his hands. "Come with me, we can defeat Mandalore together!We can end this here!"
"Enough!The war no longer holds my intrest!After i kill you, i can live in peace." And with the end of her sentence, Anarra threw herself into a vicious assualt, her blade moving so fast that Revan barely brought his blade up in time to deflect the blows. Anarra continued to press her attack, each blow coming dangerously close to Revan's body.

Three Years Earlier
Dantooine Jedi Enclave

"I'm...i'm not sure. What you're asking is a great risk, Revan." Anarra said as she continued to walk along the Enclave courtyard. The weather was bright and sunny, causing the war to seems so far away. And yet, as the rumors continued to pour in, the tension was gradually seeming to rise.
"Anarra, i wouldn't ask it of you if it wasn't completly necessary. I need people out there that i can trust."
"I understand that. But is it wise to defy the Council? Surely we would be exiled upon our return."
"If we don't act now, there won't be anyone left to exile us." Revan replied, stopping to look directly his friend. "This war is going to engulf everything we've sworn to protect. And i'm not going to stand by and watch."
"I...i...Yes. I'll come with you." she said, smiling at him with her usual mannerisms. "Where ever you go, i'll follow. And together, we'll protect the Republic."

Present Time
The Invincible

"General, we're receving a transmission from the Titan. Shall i patch it through?"
"Yes. Patch it through Bao-Dur." Brianna said, turning back from her spot at the front of the bridge. Outside, the blaster fire still cast it's colors onto every inch of the bridge. Just then, the Invincible's escort erupted into a ball of flames, the shockwave knocking everyone on the bridge down to their feet.
"Status report?" she yelled above the chaos that the bridge had fallen into. Returning to her feet, she put a hand to her temples, and throwing a glance at her fingers, she noticed they were stained with blood. It was most likely a simple cut, and she ignored it.
"All systems are still operational. We took no damage."
"Bao, you alright?" Brianna asked, turning her attention to the Zabrak engineer. The chaos surrounding them was dying down as the soldiers returned to their normal routines. For a split second, she wondered if that was how the Mandalorians delt with the loss of any of their ships. She wondered if they felt any sadness at all.
"Argh, i'm alright." she heard him say, but she knew there was something more in his voice. Pain. He had been injured, and there was no use trying to hide it from her. As she approached his station, she noticed there was blood all over the floor. And the engineer was missing his arm.

Mandalorian Command Ship

The two lightsabers clashed together in a brillant display of blue and green, their touch creating a wave of sparks that showered over the floor below them. As they locked together, Revan could feel the power coming out of Anarra. The Dark Side had given her powers that even Anarra herself would have never thought possible.
"Anarra, don't do this! We're friends remember?"
"We WERE friends. I loved you at one point. That's the past." Anarra replied as she pulled her blade away from the saber lock. There was sweat covering her forehead, Revan could see that. He knew that Anarra was indeed his equal in lightsaber combat, but he didn't know how much longer he could keep this up.
They stopped and stared at each other for a moment, both waiting for the other to make the first move. The ship shook briefly, an reminder of the battle that roared around them. Inside each of them, their hearts screamed for the battle to stop. And yet, as Anarra swung her saber again, the battle raged on.