Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!
 #71299  by fall
He all, i recently had an idea. i believe T1_danger is quiet boring and needs to be moded. I think maybe a duel ring and a KR symbol would look nice in the desert ??

 #71301  by ForteGigasGos
Maybe if there is another map like Academy Jaw could through into this one like he did on Dual5?

 #71307  by jawfin
I'm not that keen on t1_danger. I first built it thinking I needed small maps and making the whole map available. It just doesn't lend itself that well to FFA. Its pretty fun for emp/merc and swoops and such - which means not much point making it better for FFA or duels - I just don't think it can be.

 #71321  by fall
yeah i can see what your trying to get across, just through something small. Would make all the difference. :)