Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #70257  by ForteGigasGos
Looking for a sig to use for a joke. Since I often have 999 Ping, I would like a sig to poke fun of that.

Colors and everything else is open for who ever makes it, even what the sig looks like, and its open to anyone who wants to do it.

Just want the Sig to show that ping.

 #70267  by SilentOne
i can take a crack at it. havent done photoshop in a while need to brush up did alot today though

 #70270  by ForteGigasGos
good luck S1. Know you can come up with something good.

 #70271  by Rugg
that's funny Gos lol! he does good work, man. S1 did my sig too ;)

i still love the thing.

on a side note S1, if you think you can do anything to make mine more bad ass, then feel free :)