Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #65360  by BadWolf
never saw the original film but I've seen the world and some of the story from playing kingdom hearts 2 XD

but yeah it seems like it would be a great movie to see ^^

 #65361  by SilentOne
omg omg omg im gonna be first in line!!! :p

btw blue guy got owned!

 #65362  by Phreedom
When i went to a VGC (video game creation) Camp we had a few games available and armagetron was 1 of them. Me, Greed and 2 of our friends pwnt that game for abt 6 hrs. I remember seeing the original movie 2. Looks good can't wait.

 #65365  by Pyra
I am cautiously excited. I'm glad they've got Jeff Bridges back, and the effects'll be amazing, but I've seen many a sequel go south. So, here's to hopin'.

 #65366  by Akimoto
Not bad, not bad..

 #65369  by Seraphim
"Video not available" :?

 #65370  by Necros
I'll have to see the first one before I see this, but yea, Neccy likes :P

 #65371  by Rugg
if you have not yet seen Tron, stop what you are doing, get in or on your mode of transportation, and get your happy ass to the video store!!

or like...find it...on the internetz :o

i loved the original and this just looks frigin killer!

 #65372  by Falcon
If this is the same thing I'm thinking of (and I think it is after reading Sen's post) then I know a little about the story (thanks to Necros and Kingdom Hearts)

Looks pretty good :)

 #65373  by BadWolf
Falcon wrote:If this is the same thing I'm thinking of (and I think it is after reading Sen's post) then I know a little about the story (thanks to Necros and Kingdom Hearts)

 #66968  by jawfin
Small plug for Darwinia, a game that has its inspiration in part from the movie Tron ... php?t=5739

 #66981  by RVCA
The dude abides.