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 #62972  by NinjaSarah
I'm debating on whether or not I should post it, seeing as how every time I post a story on here, I end up having to reformat my comp at some point and time and lose the darn thing. >.<

But maybe, depending on interest, I'll try posting my original (at least I'd hope so) story. I'll put up the prologue and everyone can decide whether they'd take any interest in reading the whole thing (or what I have as of late) and get updates n' junk. I've improved on my writing, so hopefully this story will be a bit more interesting.

And yes.. There is a wolf involved. <.< I'm sorry.

Anyway, here's the prologue. If, and that's a big IF, anyone is interested in it at all, I'll put up what I have and update it however much I can. Since Christmas break is coming up, I should have some time to work on it.



What was once a beautiful land, now covered in the stains of anguish, fear, and hatred. What was once a home of precious memories, now burned in regret. Nothing is the same as it was, and I knew it was going to happen. I was once the guardian of this land, but I am no longer. The emerald green grass has now been turned red, the chrystal blue water now turned to crimson. I have no choice, my home has been destroyed by one who used to be by my side, the one who I had trusted the most. I must close the lid upon this land, I have to move on from it, and stop the one I trusted from destroying the land of mortals.
It wasn't always this way. 100 years ago, this land was still beautiful, and I was still the guardian of it. The one I had trusted more than anything was still at my side. Akakios was his name, and he was so ambitious. He hadn't questioned me, and he seemed to be content to be at my side, as I was with him. His eyes were kind, his expression was inviting. Perhaps at one time, just for a moment, I had fallen in love with him. Perhaps that was when it started to fall apart.
Akakios was a dragon, and we were not alone in the land we watched over. There were others, as well. All of them took the appearance of animals. None of them were like us, however. I was of the Light, Akakios of the Dark. They were known as Shadows, not on either side but could not exsist without them both. There were three of them among us.
Jocosa, the rambonxious feline, had the playfulness of a child and always loved to chase things. Outside of her playfulness, she is a careful planner. She always knows when the right time is to do anything, and she knows the perfect places to go to to carry out whatever she's doing. She was a good friend to me, she always played with me and made sure I was happy.
Medea, the cunning fox, was always playing tricks on all of us. She never ran out of ideas, and she was so clever and tricky that we could never predict what she was thinking. Her sense of humor was a lot different than ours, and often times we would get angry with her tricks that she thought would be funny. We all loved her, though. She was sly, but always meant well.
And then there's Ammon, the mysterious raccoon. I could never read his thoughts. He was always so mysterious, never showing any motives to what he did. He was so mischevious that sometimes I wondered what his intentions are, though he never seemed to mean any harm to us. He had a different way of handling things, I realized. Every mischevious thing he did to anyone had always led to something good in the end, and it took me 100 years to realize it.
All of us watched this land. Akakios and I watched from a lookout, the Shadows roaming among the land to keep a close eye. It was all calm, there was no fear, no pain, nothing but happiness. We were all content, and for a time, so was Akakios.
Akakios had wandered too far away from the land, and he did what was forbidden to everyone. He saw the mortal world, the world of humans and their land known as "Earth." He was introduced to chaos, to evil, and he watched as the humans hurt one another. He soon fell in love with that world, and became obsessed with it. He continued to sneak away and watch the world that I set out to hide from everyone I protected. I knew of this, and took no action. I thought he was above it... But I was wrong in the end. Akakios had loved the chaos so much, he tried to overthrow me and take over my world. I could have stopped him, but that would mean I would have to fight him. I couldn't fight him, and he got away. The Shadows all scattered off, and now there's but one thing that I must do, something that became a last resort, in case this land became what it is now.
I must send them to the land of mortals, and show them how horrible it really is, and I am to go with them. We will choose one mortal, and that human will be involved in a battle. Akakios will choose a human whose heart is as clouded as his is, and I will be forced to choose a human whose heart wants what's best for everyone, one that is pure. Of course, no human is perfect, so any of them can be convinced differently. If mine were to be drawn into darkness, then all will be lost. However, if the Dark one can be drawn to the light, then things will be at peace and we can return to a new land. The Shadows must choose a side, and one way to decide if Light wins is if they all come back to me. Both ways must be done, even if that means defeating the Dark by any means necessary. This is how it must be, in order to teach all of them. I never meant to bring this upon anyone; no human, no guardian. This is how it was created to be, by those who guarded realms before time was created. I never wanted to, but I must...

I am Shamira, the winged white wolf, and this is my, and their inevitable destiny.

 #62975  by Evan

 #62981  by Wolferion
Well let's see...

I liked the way it's written, really liked. Maybe it's just only my imagination but I imagined white winged wolf standing at borders of the destroyed land, telling us this. I feel sorry for wolf >.< Anyway, wolf rulez? :D

If you decide to continue writing stories, I'll sticky it =)

P.S. Now you've really made me want to start writing again XD

 #62999  by NinjaSarah
:D That's the image I was going for. ^^ Thank you, Wolfy and Evan.

If I get a few more interests, I'll decide on posting what I have and update it. :3

 #63003  by Tidus
"Thank you tidus for always voting to keep writing"
oh your welcome sarah :) cant wait to see more

 #63009  by NinjaSarah
XD Thank you, Tidus *hugs*

I think I'll go ahead and post what I have, hopefully it'll be good. ^^'

Wolfy, I would like it sticky'd. :3

 #63011  by Wolferion
Done =) Will be waiting!

 #63012  by NinjaSarah
Woot! Thanks Wolfy! :D But for now could you change the title to "Angel Wolf"?

I'll be posting what I have soon, but I wanna warn you that it changes to 3rd person P.O.V. and the main person will be switched to a human girl. ^^

 #63013  by Fazz
name is changed, i like it, :)

 #63014  by NinjaSarah
Woot! X3

Now I just gotta find a good stop in the story and call it the first chapter, lol.

 #63015  by Fazz
lol, if the story is compleate, yu could just post the whole thing in one go?

 #63016  by NinjaSarah
It's not complete yet, not by far. ^^' I was just working on the first part of it and finding a good place to pull it to a close for the first chapter.
 #63017  by NinjaSarah
Here goes!


The morning light shimmered dimly through the thick curtain. Angel slowly opened her eyes and felt a wet feeling on her cheek. Thinking she'd drooled again, she looked to see that it wasn't drool, but tears. She realized she had cried in her sleep once again. For the past few months she's had the same dream every night of a mysterious wolf glowing a flourescent white, speaking of a tale of loss, betrayal, and regret. Each night the tale grew more detailed. Angel always woke up with tears streaming down her face, and sometimes she'd even wake up as she was sobbing. She looked over to see her father's face poking through her bedroom door. She grunted at the sight, knowing that's her wake-up call.
"Angel, time to get up." he said. He stayed there until she sat up, to make sure she wouldn't go back to sleep.
Angel groaned and sat up. She rubbed her eyes free of sleep and opened her mouth in a yawn. It was 7:00 am and it was a school day, which Angel hated because she isn't a morning person. Her father returned to the dining room, just a couple footsteps away from her door, and around the corner to his computer. Angel stood up from her bed and dragged her feet to the bathroom, not quite awake yet. She turned on the light and winced as the brightness shined in her eyes for a brief moment. As soon as her eyes adjusted, she reached for her brush and brushed out her brown hair that reaches down just past her shoulders as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her ice-blue eyes looked tired and restless. Angel set the brush down and brushed her teeth clean of morning breath.
Her consiousness finally came to her and she thought about what might go on today at school. It was the Monday, middle of May, and she's a freshman in high school. There's been rumors of a new kid since Friday, so Angel was looking forward to seeing who it was. She wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl, but somehow word got around that the person had a few classes with her. Angel is normally shy, but she does want to make friends with them.
After brushing her teeth, she glanced over at her mother's makeup bag, but turned away and walked back to her room. She never usually puts on makeup, and she figured that she doesn't need to make herself look pretty for the new person. She walked into her room and put on a pair of navy jeans, pink haltar top, a pair of pink gloves, and her favorite blue choker, which has a little gold medalion in the front. She doesn't care if it matched her outfit, she just loved wearing it.
As soon as that was done, Angel set her school bags out and went to kill time on the computer for a little bit. She still had time before she had to leave so she figured she'd check on some things. Nothing was new and Angel frowned in disappointment, but soon shook it off. Before she realized it the clock ticked toward the time she had to leave and let her dad know she was ready to go. He stood from the computer as Angel picked up her bags and walked to the door. They made their way to the car and were shortly driving off to their school. Angel was still tired so she didn't talk much. Her dad noticed it and a worried frown creased his face.
"Angel, why haven't you been going to bed early?" he asked.
Angel looked at him, studying his expression. "It's not that I haven't been going to bed early; I just keep having bad dreams."
"But it's been going on for months. Your grades are slipping and you've been falling asleep in class. I'm getting worried."
"I'm fine, Dad. I'll live." she said, in an attempt to reassure him.
They soon reached her school and they pulled up to the front doors. Angel stepped out and said goodbye to her dad and walked into the building. Just to the right of her were her friends, who she's known since elementary school. Among them were Sara, Christa, Sami, Dominec, and Jayme. They all greeted Angel and talked to her until the school bell rang. She looked to the commons area to see all of the other students heading toward the halls and to their lockers. Angel and her friends made their way to the other side of the building and into the Freshman Hall. They walked past the Sophomores and the always-crowded "H" hallway before they could get the theirs. Angel stopped at her locker and her friends weren't far from her. She got all of her stuff and went to shut the locker.
However, she glanced to her right to see someone walking her direction. She'd never seen this person before and he was wearing peculiar clothing. He was considerably taller than Angel, with dark brown hair that reached past his neck. The front of his hair was unparted but she was unable to see his left eye. He wore a dark grey vest and a lighter grey tank top underneath. Along with that were black cargo jeans and a pair of black boots. His expression was blank, but not in a way that he was spaced out. It was like he showed no emotion.
Of course, before Angel could bring herself to look away, his eyes set on hers. For a brief moment it was as if time itself had stood still for her. It seemed like he wasn't look at her, but through her. As if he were studying her soul. He flashed a strangely kind smile at her and then turned away to go to his class. Angel was still looking toward him, even after he was out of sight.
Her staring had lasted for about 10 seconds before she realized she was holding her breath. She exhaled and felt her heart beat fast, then skip a beat. She shook herself out of it and shut her locker, then hurried to her first class. That boy was very familiar to her, but she had never seen him before, she thought, as if she'd seen him in a dream.

A dream that haunted her night by night.

 #63028  by Tidus
:o spooky. I know who the guy is. its me. i know im amazing.
keep up the story "Angel" :) its good.
spelling errors but i understood :D

 #63031  by ForteGigasGos
you wish Tidus, its so me ><

 #63032  by NinjaSarah
Haahh. You're funny, Tidus. :P Don't make fun of mah spelling errors! I'll edit them and make you regret it! XD

I'll get updates as soon as I can. Also, I'm going to do character art for you guys so you can get a good pic as to who they all look like. I'll do both :P because I'm just that awesome... Unlike Tidus! XD I kid, I kid. <3

 #63035  by Tidus
Funny how I am the guy in your mysterious story

 #63039  by NinjaSarah
Oh really? I doesn't remember saying that. D:< And if I did then I totally forgot. o.o The guy's really mysterious, so no one really knows who he truly is. :3 Gives off that fangirl-attracting effect. XD

Edit: Btw, I changed a lot of things with the plot, since I the idea of this was thought up in like, 6th grade lol. I had to re-write the whole thing because it was just silly. So if I showed any close friends the old one they'd know what I'm talking about. XP

 #63049  by Tidus
NinjaSarah wrote:Oh really? I doesn't (DON'T) remember saying that. D:< And if I did then I totally forgot.*thinks to herself "how does he know that I am putting him in my story??" o.o The guy's really mysterious, so no one really knows who he truly is. :3 Gives off that fangirl-attracting effect. XD

Edit: Btw, I changed a lot of things with the plot, since I (Random "I"?) the idea of this was thought up in like, 6th grade lol. I had to re-write the whole thing because it was just silly. So if I showed any close friends the old one they'd know what I'm talking about. XP
By the way. Like the story, waiting for next chapter :)

 #63051  by NinjaSarah
Oh. You are so mean. D:<

 #63058  by Tidus
no im not lol.
i got my new video card today, going to download JKA after work :)

 #63060  by NinjaSarah
Okay, good. :P

ANYWAY! Updates coming soon, everyone. I'm making concept art for Angel and the mysterious boy. I'll continue to work on Chapter 2 and get it up as soon as I can. <3

 #63081  by Tidus
 #63150  by NinjaSarah
Here's the character art for Angel and the boy:


Hope this gives you a good idea as to what they look like. :3

 #63296  by NinjaSarah
Now in color!


Don't worry guys, I'm working on Chapter 2 right now. :P