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 #125  by Stealth
okay guys...i no theres always coversation about it....but i was wondering if anyone has heard rumors...or wat u guys think the story line..if any...for jedi knight 4 should be...

 #144  by Kane
considering the age of JK3 now... im sure ive said this before but I wouldnt hold my breath for anyone picking up the JK series now its too old and dated, If they do release a new one it will be a completly different engine more than likly, think something along the lines of Battlefront 2

But if they did pick it up again I say Jan should have an affair with Dessann and this obviously makes Kyle really angry who turns to the darkside and marries Reelo, In the meantime Luke gets captured by Ugnaughts and one lone Jedi has to learn the force and save Luke from the Ugnaught Warlord Bob....

But they'll probably make some mushy love story, :(

 #168  by Tricky
Actually, I got wind that they were gonna base JK4 off of the Dark Side ending to JK3. You know, Jaden goes off into space on a rampage, and Kyle and Luke have to go rescue him because Luke still feels "good in him" or whatever.

 #171  by Naraku
I am really looking forward for JK4. I will probably have to update my computer CPU and all, but still. Looking forward for more force powers and skillz. JK4+ Mod <-- ?

 #184  by Kane
Ok any links to places where there has been stuff said they are actually making a JK4? Other than just rumours and heresay about the community :P. I mean would love to see it get done but I just dont see it happening.

 #241  by Grimm
if Nvidia and Raven n entertainment would pickup the new one it would be one hell of a game graphic wise. they need a good and most important LONGER story line. hopefully theyll make a good multiplayer too, cuz thats wut its all about

 #384  by Stealth
lol jk4 extension of kr :)

 #1235  by Chantelle
i think if it were to go ahead it would be a massive overhaul, JK3 and JK2 were very similar and the engine would be completeley brand new now.

Unfortunateley JK3 is an incredibly dated game now, but its done well to survive as long as it has done.

with the large scope of new titles i think there would be possible a large change in interfacee aswell.

I have only heard or read on speculation, I hope they bring it out cos I did really like JK3 although ill admit now I dont play it anymore. (prob not for 5 monsth now)

Hopefully they can release it and bring back teh golden age, as I feel the sun is setting on JA slowly :(

 #1237  by RoNin
technically... there was never a JK3 it is actually JKA since the JK 1 and 2 series were more on kyle then jaden

 #1252  by Nintendo
Well as you all probably know or read by now that they are coming out with even more re-releases of star wars, They are coming out with a fully 3D Clone Wars series, AND The live action TV Show is coming in about 2 years.

I wouldnt be suprised if they did make another Star Wars game though im not sure if they would do an acutual JK4. Most likely like most companies they would try a new approach and switch development companies(or at least development teams) for the game so it would make the game fresh and new. The game itself would be pretty different from the other game (especially since most likely they will be changing games engine as well)

Now I have heard from IGN themselves that they may be a chance of a Star Wars game heading for the Nintendo Wii in the distant future which would take advantage of the Wii-mode and most likely its online capabilities. If you wish to see that for yourself you can head to and search for it yourself.

I would be looking foward for the Wii Star Wars game the most if there is going to be one just because I would love the interactive feel of the game.(the only reason I even started playing jka on the pc is cause I felt it was alot more interactive with a keyboard and mouse.)

*Update* IGN has also CONFIRMED that there is most likely going to be on the PS3 as well. There was reportedly a small video released at E3 about this hush hush project. go check it for yourself. Heres a link.
Last edited by Nintendo on Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #1253  by Tricky
Nin just wants to saber fight with the controller. :P

 #1254  by Nintendo
well duh!

 #1259  by Kane
0_o well that video looks interesting. If thats ingame action or just veiwing of cutscenes still looks like it could be a good game.

Just the concept of being able to properly pick things up and throw them around with the force looks very appealing, and they certainly have the technology to be able to implement that into a multiplayer game now.

 #1324  by Stealth
r u guys saying i wont be able to play this game wit u?

 #1338  by Nintendo
Well if you dont get a Nintendo wii or a Playstation 3 then as of right now your out of luck.

 #1559  by RaVeN
Here here check this out:

Then watch this video

It might not be JK4 but (as in a continuation of the story line)
...but i wanna play it!

 #1572  by DarkLink
i hope they make it pc too... :/

 #1591  by Akimoto
jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 jk4 ..... please let it be jk4...


 #1605  by GRYPHON
i dont think thats jk4 :P

 #1616  by DarkLink
If its not some1s gonna die >=(

 #2129  by K-1
RaVeN wrote:

It might not be JK4 but (as in a continuation of the story line)

True. This was simply a tech demo made for PS3. But from what I've read, it is actually a game which is being developed for PS3 and XBox 360. As it looks now, it won't be released for PC.

Gamespot wrote:
Finally, we saw a CG concept trailer that indicated the direction LucasArts wants to go with this new game. The footage showed a number of unnamed Jedi characters essentially obliterating groups of stormtroopers and the environments around them with Force powers, sundering the ground and nearby objects and sending the bodies flying with mere thought. It looks as though the developers have a lot of the tools in place that they need to make this sort of gameplay a reality, so we'll look forward to seeing if they can acutally make it happen when more of this new Star Wars game is shown in the coming months.

According to someone on the Gamespot forums, the story will take place between Episode III and Episode IV.

Yeah Online will be great, but they are focusing on story in this one. You can probably choose to be good or evil. This is a new game set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The Empire is hunting you down and Vader is hiring Mercenaries to get the job done quicker. What's going to be cool about this game is that it features Digital Molecular Matter. This is basically material physics, so no more wooden objects behaving like metal. Wood is wood, brick is brick, rubber is rubber, glass is glass, and so on. And the game also features Euphoria which is ragdoll AI. Usually, when you knock a guy down to the floor they go limp, but with Euphoria, they try to grab on to something to keep balance. This will not just be a great Star Wars game, but a great next-gen game.

This according to him, can be found on the official Star Wars website.
However I couldn't find anything about it, nor could I find anything on LucasArts' official site. (Note: I may or may not have glimpsed through the pages.)

 #2161  by Sidious
Wow that game looks incredible i really hope that they can add more abilities to the saber as well. Now i just need to waith for the ps3 to come out and then wait even longer for the game Hurray for waitning!!!

 #2162  by Nintendo
Definitly makes since that it would take place between ep3 and ep4 For the simple fact that there is supposed to be a live action tv series with the same story line area. It would make since for both to come out around the same time to get more sales for lucas arts. If thats the case then we will have to wait till around 2008 for the game itself to come out.