Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #62041  by Necros
As the topic says, Mercy truly showed none of his name during his Knights Trial. It is my pleasure, to welcome and congratulate KR's newest Knight. Good job Mercy, very well done.

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Mercy

Trialer : Necros
Assistant : Rugg

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Necros)
2. Won --(Rugg)
3. Won --(Necros)
4. Won --(Rugg)
5. Won --(Necros)
6. Won --(Rugg)
7. Lost --(Necros)
8. Lost --(Rugg)
9. Lost --(Necros - Masters level)
10. Won --(Rugg - Masters level)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Lost
3. Lost
4. Won
5. Lost --(Masters level)

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) && Won 2 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Also, with that being said, it is also my pleasure to announce that his former Master, Blacki, is now a Guardian. Congrats to you both.

~Roster Updated~

 #62045  by Pyra
Woot, Mercy! ^_^ Way to kick butt!

 #62049  by Evan
Grats mercy welcome to your knight-hood

 #62051  by Mercy
thanks to all of you

 #62052  by blacki
all the honnor go to Mercy! good job m8 and we have good times together and im really proud of you :)

here some scrennys :P


 #62053  by Rugg
good job mercy!!

 #62063  by Phreedom
They grow up so fast!! XD NJ mercy

 #62065  by Fazz
well done mercy, grats =) and grats 2 you aswell blacki

 #62081  by Greed
Well done :D

 #62204  by Seraphim
Nice to see this finally happen, cool mercy, congrats

 #62206  by Falcon

 #62220  by Lothar
it is my personal goal to beat that score when my knights come lol - unlikely ^^

 #62221  by Akimoto