Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #59107  by jawfin
Yep, I know most you guys celebrate a thing over which you had no input or control, and which happen without any personal effort, and at a time not of your choosing, that is, your birthday ... well, I celebrate something the exact opposite of those - the Anniversary of my Wedding - the 14th of October, 1995.

Yessir, 14 years behind the belt now - and Vivi and I are more happier, and more in love for each passing year. (A tip people, you don't "fall in love" as if it happens without our input, it takes work!)

So yay! I'll get a picture for the gallery too, if remember too >.<

 #59108  by Falcon
I already said it on MSN, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JAWFEH!!!!

Hope you have a superfluous day and many more years to come :)

 #59109  by ForteGigasGos
Congratulations Jaw, you and Mrs. Jawfin must be proud. I hope you two start to love each other even more.

 #59111  by KuroTsubasa
Congrats, and Happy Anniversary! Hope it goes great.

 #59113  by Wolferion
Congratulations ! =) Hope you enjoyed it.

 #59117  by Akimoto
Gratz! :D

 #59118  by blacki
be happy and drunk m8 ...happy birthday....between 1995 was one of my fav years of my life 2 :P

 #59121  by Pyra
Wooooohoooo! *Hugs.*
I am so happy for you guys, Jawfeh. I toast my fruit smoothie: to another fourteen years and many more to come!

 #59122  by Rugg
Happy Anniversary Jaw and Viv!

 #59123  by Zabuza
happy anniversary!

 #59127  by Greed
:o :o

Hope u have a good time :D

 #59128  by BadWolf
happy anniversary jawfeh :D

 #59131  by Necros
Congratulations to you mate :)

A happy anniversary from me to you and Vivi, hope you both have a great day.

 #59135  by SilentOne
Happy Anniversary Mate im glad for you. The best thing in life is just to have someone to love through everything. Have a superfantabulous day!!
:D :D :D :D
 #59137  by Phreedom
Jawfin wrote:if remember too >.<
Look @ jawfeh! He's so happy that he forgot the difference between to, two and too!!!! Lol just messing with u bud. Hope 2day is an awesome day 4 u! Not every day is a 14th anniversary u know! :D Happy Anniversary Buddy!!!

 #59139  by Eagle
Happy anniversary, Jaw! :)

 #59145  by Pyra
Jawfin wrote:Thanks guys! Kinda half way through the day >.<
Had breakfast in our gazebo and going out for dinner
Then whaddya doin' here, you crazy ol' man? Go out and show Viv a good time! XD
Oh, and you have fun too, Jaw-Jaw. :3

 #59146  by ForteGigasGos
A gazebo?!? O.o Are you loaded or something?

Good to hear its going good.

 #59150  by Eagle
Gazebo? I want a gazebo! (Just kidding) But, that's awesome! ^^ Gazebos are cool. And just for the sheer fun of saying it again...gazebo! That is such an awesome word....

 #59153  by Akimoto
I was imagining something like this Image xD

 #59154  by blacki
i want a gazebo... i trade you my wife jackson and my son marshall 30wattz for ur gazebo :P ...agree or not?


 #59165  by BadWolf
lol blacki