Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #58798  by blacki
hahahah nice one ...i must try this beer XD

 #58806  by Akimoto
Can't understand... *retry* *Retry* *RETRY*

 #58825  by jawfin
The funny thing is Fosters is like 100% exported - no one here drinks it, its disgusting. I had a friend who visited Germany and they could buy Foster's lager cans there that was like a liter and a half big :shock:

And as no surprise either, that isn't an Australian ad, well I've never seen it anyway.

Now, here is an Aussie beer ad (steals the no. #1 post)
Carmina Burana - O Fortuna ftw!

 #58851  by Chantelle
Fosters is revolting!

I see some people here drink it and always specify others if thats the main tap.

Tasteless fizzy crap, Mind you Carling isn't much better

Pilsner types are much nicer

 #58861  by Phreedom
Lol! Funny stuffs u guys have there!

 #59351  by Akimoto
/images/AdEchhoHippo1o.MPG <-- ?