Who's at what rank?
 #56968  by Kioshi
I fear I made a mistake on deciding to take duelies as my saber of choice. I spend all my time wanting to switch to single and play with it. Therefore i would, once again, and for the very last time i might add, like to request to drop my current saber. I will be switching to single saber. Aayci I have been trying to contact you about this but you are not on that often. So if you are reading this and have not checked your private messages yet please do so. I sent you a detailed Pm that I would like you to read.

To everyone (especially aayci and nec) I would like to apologize for my constant switching. It has taken me awhile to figure out what i want. This will be my last request. (well except for part 2 where i request what master i want lol)

 #56969  by jawfin
What can I say, I'm glad there's only 3 types of saber styles...

Keep in mind that Warr is a knight, so its delaying further his chance to become a Guardian.

This kind of action doesn't actually need council approval, you have the right to choose your own path. I'm just curious as to what Warr's going to say o_O

 #56977  by Akimoto
Welcome to the 'club of awesome'! :)

 #56984  by Pyra
Well, you know what they say: third time's the charm. ^_^

 #56985  by Greed
Dood.... ur an idiot :P
Stick 2 ur desicion this time ><

 #56986  by ForteGigasGos
No Flaming Hawk >.>

Its the last saber he can change too, so he better stay with it.

 #56989  by Phreedom
Make up ur mind dammit XD gl with single!

 #56993  by Mercy

 #56995  by blacki
Mercy wrote:SINGLE RULES ALL!!!
agree with you budy /im give u a BEER!

 #56998  by Fazz
and thats why we love you kio :P

 #57003  by Evan
yeah yeah yeah say staff sucks.....but gl with the new saber choice kio.....and besides single is good......And good luck for who ever may be kio's new master..