Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #50761  by SilentOne
brief story on why i do photography:
me grandpa was a professional photograpger and ive always admired his pictures..when he died..he left all his cameras and stuff to me so i got into it..soo heres some of meh skills
^^oooh pretty^^
^^ice storm^^

 #50765  by jawfin
Hey S1 - ur really good!

And I like ur sub-titles too - I'm glad u pointed the clouds out for me, you have no idea what I thought they were Image

 #50770  by Rugg
my clouds never come out like's always like...not clouds...

 #50772  by Akimoto
not bad at all. The better camera; the better photographer. :)

 #50773  by Phreedom
Nice job m8!

 #50780  by blacki
holy god i love winter! and the cloud pic is incredible!holy god!

 #50783  by DarkLink
His cloud pic is god? I never knew God looked like a cloud...

You're pretty good with a camera. Ever think about doing it professionally? And I think everyone would agree, if you have naymore you'd be willing to share, then please do.

 #50790  by SilentOne
well...i take photos for my side job...soo soon ill be a pro