Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #5104  by Grimm
she has talent in sig making so im making a kinda tribute here. u guys maybe didnt like her, but i did. she has a good heart, and a good hand at sig making :D

i guess it isnt much but i think itd be kool.

hers my first addition:


 #5109  by Squall
yea i agree she did have some talent in sig making :D and was getting better ;) i made her one here


 #5145  by Phoenix
She isnt worth the trouble mate.

 #5154  by GRYPHON
pfft go away.. theyre my friends leave them be... and if everyone would notice the crappy sig i made pho.. which he is using..

 #5161  by EvilIvy

 #5170  by Akimoto
EvilIvy wrote:burn...
burning-love for sigs... 8)

 #5175  by Phoenix
GRYPHON wrote:pfft go away.. theyre my friends leave them be... and if everyone would notice the crappy sig i made pho.. which he is using..
Friends? Thats why you backstab them and end up getting kicked? Yes ok, that makes sense. Also yes, I am still using the sig, because unlike you I have better things to be worrying about then which signature I am using on the forums.

 #5191  by GRYPHON
lol i havent back stabbed anyone ;) that would be your job
also with the immature responses :)
and they are my friends, true friends stick by you.. others just pack up with all your stuff and leave..

 #5192  by Phoenix
GRYPHON wrote:lol i havent back stabbed anyone ;) that would be your job
also with the immature responses :)
and they are my friends, true friends stick by you.. others just pack up with all your stuff and leave..
Im not getting in an argument with you. Ive had enough of that for the past week. If so many people stuck by you, you wouldnt have been kicked. Also if we are going to be picky, you might want to change your avatar.

 #5197  by GRYPHON
pfft make me

 #5203  by Phoenix
GRYPHON wrote:pfft make me
Happy? I like the outcome.

 #5207  by GRYPHON
um? what? ok this is goin off-topic >_>

 #5208  by Panther
Friends pfft hehe

 #5210  by saunby
tee hee, this discussion is making me laugh, im with pan and pho on this one.

 #5213  by GRYPHON
ur with them? they didnt do much besides follow my spam >_>

 #5215  by saunby
GRYPHON wrote:ur with them? they didnt do much besides follow my spam >_>
yes, thats why i said "im with pan and pho"

and also seeing as they are my friends irl, i think i'll choose them over some person on the other side of the world to me ><

 #5217  by GRYPHON
ookay then >_>

 #5221  by Squall
Ok people enough of the shiz on this topic please! its a topic for posting sigs to mira to say goodbye if your not here to say goodbye then please dont post ....its simple dont make a sig and dont talk if its gonna end up sour and locked. i sugest this either be locked or go back on topic.

 #5229  by GRYPHON
what blade siad ^^
and id just like to let some people know.. without them replying to me /pif
that u cant give a person a chance and expect them to change in a day..

 #5233  by Phoenix
You had more then one chance love, and you know you did.

 #5246  by Grimm
wut blade sed.

this is for mira, not for arguments. pho, u have other things to worry about than ur sig yes, but for us sig makers, the other things we do is make sigs. dont take that the rong way cuz alot of the stuff u do is for us and thats always kool

i dont know wut happened to have mira kicked, i wasnt on the server much, but i am sad to see her go so i made this post for us to say good bye if we so choose....

 #5247  by Wolferion
I dont know Mira... She made a nice sigs and if she got kicked, it means that she werent doing everything right...

 #5250  by Craig
Sigs mean absolotley NOTHING to being in the clan, she may have been a good sig maker (well depends what u think) but she know what im not clarifying, not worth it, there is the dismissed post about her if u wanna know go look otherwise leave it out of this post, anymore comments that are like that ill just lock the topic.

 #5254  by Grimm
were not saying sigs mean anything. at least im not, im saying she was a good person and a good friend

 #5260  by EvilIvy
i reallllly tried to get to like her. i mean it. but bang no she had to pick on me...