Who's at what rank?
 #47972  by Satori
I'm sure there are a few people in line ahead of me. However, I am throwing my hat in the ring as I too am seeking training.

If there are any single saber masters out there with an open slot and are looking to take on a new paddy, let me know ...we'll chat.

Thank you,

 #47974  by Wolferion
Good luck finding a good single saber master =)

 #47977  by Zabuza

 #47978  by Eagle
Good luck Sat :)

 #47983  by Fazz
satori, there is no shortage of masters, just a shortage of padawans, gl gettin a master =)

 #47984  by Falcon
Good luck :)

 #47997  by dent
unless someone has secretly beaten me to it, i'm in need of a paddy, send me a pm or something if you're interested

 #48001  by Zabuza
vote for dent for master

 #48004  by Satori
Pm sent to Dent. If you did not get it let me know.

but i would like to talk to you.