Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #47902  by Zabuza

 #47903  by Fazz
hehe, finish sponcered silence now... so i can talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, lol

rugg, nec, u didnt hear me speak... honest, lol

 #47905  by Rugg
i heard nothing except zab chewing and nec whining :lol: :wink:

 #47907  by Zabuza
um i was nomming my mic to see if u guys could hear it lol
anyway i fixed my prob.

 #47913  by BadWolf
i dont have mah sound back yet ><

 #47915  by Necros
Whining!?!?!?! I was not whin.......oh right....I blame Jaw for that.

 #47933  by jawfin
Yea, hehe, thanks Nec, u were fundamental in helping me achieve my score of 215/91 on my return to KR from hiatus. And I do believe that whiny was the primary vocal pitch of the day ;) (though that could of just been my speakers!)

And for us who are still waiting for BobaFett's new Ultra Utility here's a screenie. Now a Mega Kill I believe is 4 simultaneous kills with less then a second between each. Now as the chat can't even hold that many lines, just look for your corpses on the floor :) (and Nec, thats ur head under my foot just in case u were wondering!)


 #48201  by jawfin
--==> Teamspeak <==--

Come on guys, no-ones using it. I log in each time I connect. Now I can appreciate that perhaps some of you won't want your dulcet tones flooding the airways but still you can always mute the mike!

 #48278  by Zabuza
oh really jawfin?


bots ftw