The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #4681  by Darfin
Finally -_-

 #4686  by Phoenix
Welcome back.

 #4688  by Grimm
sweet!! darfin uve missed alot!!!

wb jawa buddy!!

 #4690  by Starcomand
well have 3 words to say KILL ALL JAWAS

 #4712  by Sidious
I dont remember playing with you that much or yet playing at all so i will be looking forward to seeing you on the server.

 #4717  by Kane
great to see ya back Darfin matey :D missed kicking yer arse :P am looking forward to you finishing the KR movie too if you still plan to do it. Anyways tis vera nice to know you'll be back man :D

 #4734  by Lessa
Welcome back Darf XD

 #4738  by Starcomand
lol forgot about the kr movie lol

 #4746  by Darfin
Lol thanks everyone - Feels real good to be back :)

I get my laptop back tonight so expect to see me on :wink:

And Sidious - Since I havn't met you yet then its safe to say Welcome To KR. And Congrats on getting in ^_^

w0o0o0o0o! Can't wait for Clan Night!

 #4751  by Stealth wit star...kill all could u leave ur own paddeh? *tear*

 #4752  by Darfin
Lol...not my paddy anymore =P

 #4755  by Kakashi.Archive
Welcome back...:D

 #4807  by Wanderer
WB DARFIN!!!!!....but now im grounded...ugh...

 #5020  by Panther
Yeh yeh welcomed u back but welcome back little dude

 #5117  by Darfin
Little dude.