Any available masters that can feed me deathsticks and train me in the art of the lightsaber?

The RaVeN wrote:
Falcon wrote:Well, I'd assume since you trained under me up to adept, you're a staff padawan. No paddy requests for staffers I'm afraid. I'd take you back, but I'm currently occupied.use to be a single user in KR
Of course, there's always the option of dropping yourself back down to student and taking up another master with another saber, but that's your choice.
Kakashi wrote:use to be a single user in KRTrue, but if you remember, he was my padawan. He never made it to knights.
The RaVeN wrote:
RaVeN wrote:No, Falcon is right. With our rules he would have to stay as staff to take his Knight Trial.
If he wanted to take up single then he would have to start over again as Student.
He does need a master according to our rules and procedures too.
If this is the case then Akimoto, if you want to keep both your rank and your staff saber, I can take you under my wing for the remainder of your training.
But know this - you wont be able to teach the single saber to your future Padawan, only staff. Not until you are a Master rank can you begin to study another saber to become certified to teach it.
Otherwise, if you want to change to single, you will need to start over again :/ (Unless this comes up as a special vote in the Council)
Akimoto wrote:As you requested, you have been demoted to Student. As you well know, you will need to get yourself a master that is capable of teaching you single to progress further up the ranks.Akimoto wrote:if the council would allow it, I would prefer to use single from now on