Who's at what rank?
 #4556  by Kakashi.Archive
Ok this is what mutt had to say to me tonight...
Mutt wrote: God, I'm so sorry Kakashi. I wouldn't blame you if you asked for a new master ^^. I think Newspaper Ninja has a spot open. I've always wanted a paddy but now that I have one, I'm letting him down, and that makes me feel like crap. I'd feel better if I knew someone was teaching you..
I DONT want to leave mutt..but i also want some training and i left her a pm that i would like everyone to know about! The main idea that i said to her that mabey if its ok with the council, mabey i could have two masters that way i can get training and become jedi some time soon but also stay with mutt so that i can have training with her as well....

Before u Pho, Lessa, Fluffy or anyone else say anything PLZ talk it over...

Thankies for reading this!

 #4560  by Banshee
Dude, two masters? lmao, i think thats just like.... wrong? weird beyond belief? and two master means two styles, two sets of person to learn about and from. I think youd screw yourself over, lol

 #4564  by Squall
its greedy people :D you need to leave mutt to get newsie if he has a spot bud :D hopefully it works out for you ;)

 #4571  by Scythe
ermmmmm, two masters? I really think council would appose that idea... thats like saying, can i have a master for single saber and dual? <--- which u can't >.> only in ur spare time. Yeah... if mutt doesn't think she's doing a good job at teaching maybe u should try newsie, unless mutt's not even trying >.> but i dunno... go with the flow @_@

 #4574  by RaVeN
Mutt is inactive for a bit, so what kaka is asking is if anyone wants to help him train while his master is away.

Kaka, if Mutt was a Master rank or higher i would agree with this no problem. But since she is Knight Rank you can not count for her Master Rank requirment as a player she has taught.

I think it would be best for you to find a new Master, i'm sorry

 #4585  by Kakashi.Archive
Its ok....but im not leaving her and thats final...Ow Banshee and Blade it really is not wrong or greedy when u have been waiting for your master to train u for about a month and a half and u r really wanting to get somewere...not like i care...like i said im staying with Mutt!!!!!!

 #4588  by GRYPHON
Ahem, Mutt and I*

 #4591  by Banshee
DUDE! kakashi! i was an intitiate the entire 3 months i was in KR, so dont complain about a month and a half, thats nothing. lol, thats perspective for you. At least inside of 3 months you had a willing master, even if theres problems.

I agree with Raven, i think you should find a new master

 #4619  by Kakashi.Archive
im going to say this once again and it will be the last.....


Ok seeing no one is going to be the least bit helpful for me then dont leave anymore post here..thank u...

 #4623  by Kane
Well maybe you should tell us the answer you want as people have given their advice mate not nice to spit it back at them.

Anyways... if its teaching you want then you either wait for Mutt to be active to teach you, get a new master to teach you or just ask Mutt to put you foreward for your trials and see if you can pass them. I'm sure you can ask anyone to show you the basics of what you will have to do on the trial unofficially, heck I'll do that for you if I see you online if you just ask... ive done it now for quite alot of the other members. Would only show you what you have to do in the trial though ... I wouldnt give advice on how to do better cause I would leave that up to you or your master.

If you dont want to leave Mutt that much then thats an option I believe will be open and i'm not sure but I think then it will still count towards Mutt getting master rank even if she only gives you trainign tips over msn or the suchlike... theres an idea for ya ;)

But everyone else's advice was perfectly valid as the best way to go ahead without risking failure would be to get a master that can teach you properly and on the server.

 #4647  by EvilIvy
Well actually there was a similar situation in KR. When Fluffers was my master and went inactive for a while. I was trained by Avis ingame and Fluffy was teaching my on msn by giving some tips. However I dont know if such solution would be ok. Its all up to council.

 #4653  by Tricky
It just seems like you aren't really teaching if you aren't in game with them. There is a huge loss in what you can say in words and what you can show in action. That's just my opinion.