I finally got the map pack but
Sad news
Although we had located every missing file that is directly referred to and inserted them, the shaders were still missing. (FYI a shader is a text file that refers to image files and how to paint them, thus every animated thing on a map is a shader.)
Well, I wasn't going to open every one of the hundreds of shaders files that are referenced and track its images, so the download above won't work.
But good news

and this works, but could have side-effects. Acquire for yourselves a copy of Jedi Outcast and on that CD locate the actual file "?:\GameData\GameData\base\assets0.pk3" and copy it from the CD to your desktop. Now rename this file to "aajo.pk3" - it must be thus named so alphabetically it will be read before all of JKA's assets files. This is
very important, otherwise you will be playing JO and I don't know what that would do to the JKA installation, but it wouldn't be good. Now move this now renamed file into your "base" folder and all the maps will work perfectly.
If, for some reason, you don't have Jedi Outcast and would like to see these maps, then I think there are ways of acquiring it but I forget at this very second what they are *coughmsncough* so it may come to me if someone asks me later on *coughmsncough*.