Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #43787  by ShadowMan
Ok, so it seems something weird has been going on with my fps. It happened the first time about a week ago. After about 5 minutes of playing the game went all twitchy.

At first I thought it was the Windows looking for updates in the backround and slowing down the connection, but then I realized it was the fps going down -50%. Ping remained normal.

Yesterday the gameplay was smooth and I had no problems at all. But today it started again in 1 minute after entering the server.

WTF is going on?

 #43793  by Delev
Could be some spyware, or a small virus meddling with you if its lagging you overall.. Not sure what to do if it only lags you during JKA.

 #43794  by jawfin
Hey Shadow, I recommend getting Process Explorer.

Its the bees knees of process analysis, it shows all the processes running and how much CPU they are consuming.

You can then google unknown applications that are sucking your processing power and remove them as needed.

A low FPS is unusually indicative of your CPU being strained.

 #43797  by Grimm
could be svchost, thats what slowed down my computer whenever earphones where plugged in or taken out directly from the computer audio out port...

 #43802  by Chantelle
Interrupted FPS will be caused by generally 4 things

1) Hard drive activity
2) CPU interrupts and activity
3) RAM being used, this caused by too many applications even back ground running
4) Increase in on screen activity

As stated before when this happens, you need to check your processes in your task manager or use the process manager from MS which is very handy.

Look at what’s taking up the CPU and Memory allocation. If minimized JAMP will likely be one of them which you can exclude.


Look out for Wauclt and svchost as common ones.

If it’s something like svchost thats holding you up

Go START | RUN |Cmd (in vista just click start and in the search bar type cmd)

In the prompt type

tasklist /svc

That will display what the process’s is running, typically it will be windows update client aswell.


No harm in running a spyware antivirus check, incidentally what are you using for protection?

Also check that no scans or defragmentation are currently in place while your running your game.

Do you get the same problem with other games?

While a graphics driver update might not go amiss I am not sure that’s the problem, however always worth it.

 #43813  by Melissa
And it could be the game or map or texture on the game is a bit corrupt

Without JA open are symptoms the same

and does teh problem replicate in another game.

 #43823  by Grimm
if you use mcafee as your anti virus software, it often runs scans in the background that take up about 70% of memory and processing space. if thats the case, ditch mcafee and go with avast, its much lighter and i think a better anti virus software

 #43835  by Melissa
Possible, crap anti virus does slow machines up

Norton, McAfee etc avoid

Powerful PC even, they are not even that good as you say.

 #43837  by ShadowMan
It looks like the problem is gone for now.

It wasn't a virus, spy-/adware. I checked those first. Found nothing.
Might have been some thing running in the backround, though it's not likely.

 #43838  by Melissa
Probably update client which can run simplict within the svchost as Chanetlle said.. I know this as she solved that pig of a problem for me before

Good its sorted.