Post your signatures and avatars here.

What do you think about my new sigs?

They are good!
They arent bad!
They are stupid!
 #3972  by Wolferion
With improving a new style, there comes thy gallery :D Thus my skills arent that excelent, I am a person using brush effects that just make it look simple ^^ There are animated and non-animation sigs, so just take a look!

Signatures ---->

1st signature ( my 1st great animation ) :

2nd signature ( For Kane ) :

3rd signature ( For Stealth ) :

4th signature ( This is a smaller version than original for forums, if you want to see the original 551x380 just ask ) :

5th signature ( Improved a knight throw :P ) :

6th signature ( For me again, Dont know what the hell error is there now ) :

7th signature ( For Ronin, improved text animation ^^ ) :

8th signature ( For Darfin, found a new technique =) ) :

9th signature ( For me + added a mark and will use it since today 24.11.2006 ) :

10th signature ( For Wojtas ) :

11th signature ( For Wojtas ) :

12th signature ( For me. Use new brush style ) :

Non Animated :
13th signature ( For Sniper ) :

15th signature ( For one friend , 1/2 ) :

16h signature ( For me , 2/2 ) :

17th signature ( For Kenshin ) :

18th signature ( For Kakashi . Actually no animation in this one ) :

19th signature ( For Kenshin ) :

Thank you for viewing thy gallery!
Last edited by Wolferion on Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:22 pm, edited 25 times in total.

 #4032  by Lessa
I think they are good XD! i like them all a lot!

 #5425  by Wolferion
Added one more sig.
Friends , KR members and not KR members. If you want some animation in your signatures as knife throw etc ( I just cant make someone speaking :P ) , Ill can it make for you as i am all the time boredom. My parents want to i just learn and read books and they disallow everything i like to do =( They dotn want to see me making sigs but adding some animation wont take long time and it every give me fun. So i am almost all the time avalaible to make a sig or some adds to someone, who will reuqested =)

Thank you for reading,

 #6764  by Wolferion
To everyone who use my signature ( Lessa, Stealth... ) . I dont know what is happening with, so sigs arent avalaible. I am trying to find another good hosting web page ( i need it to upload max 5mb and give me link =) ). If you want to have avalaible sig, request it from another signature maker, if you want. The sigs will be avalaible to Sunday. I'll post there the links for them.

Thank you for reading,

 #6770  by Akimoto
you -do- know sigs aren't supposed to be over 600kb? ...(read it somewhere--cant remember)


 #6772  by Wolferion
Akimoto wrote:you -do- know sigs aren't supposed to be over 600kb? ...(read it somewhere--cant remember)

I know Aki but i am making an animation signatures and some of them are 3mb big. So i need a good uploader for big files =(

 #6773  by Akimoto
Sirion wrote:
Akimoto wrote:you -do- know sigs aren't supposed to be over 600kb? ...(read it somewhere--cant remember)

I know Aki but i am making an animation signatures and some of them are 3mb big. So i need a good uploader for big files =(
I do also make animation... usually between 100 - 500kb <.<
I mean.. i CAN make 7MB big animations to, but thats just... why would i?

 #6859  by Wolferion
It will kill me -_-... In photoshop i dont have these problems... In filevend the same... But on KR forums it views damn errors, whitch i cant fix =( ... Could someone tell me how i can fix it ?

 #6863  by Phoenix
Sirion wrote:It will kill me -_-... In photoshop i dont have these problems... In filevend the same... But on KR forums it views damn errors, whitch i cant fix =( ... Could someone tell me how i can fix it ?
There arent any errors. If your wondering about the blue dotted lines around the outside - those are implications ive put in place to prevent an image from exceeding 400px in width to avoid people stretching teh forums.

 #6871  by Wolferion
I found why these errors are.. It is minimalized and it makes graphic looks very bad... The only best size for it is 400x125, but i think it is kinda small =( .

 #6877  by Akimoto
Sirion wrote:I found why these errors are.. It is minimalized and it makes graphic looks very bad... The only best size for it is 400x125, but i think it is kinda small =( .
It is NOT small!!!

I've been on forums which almost all people use "signature" size like 700x700!!!1 its a freaking picture in their sigs!!11 which makes me angry because it stretches out the forum (forum size about 70%)

Making big sigs is for people that doesn't know how to zoom! :x

 #8048  by Wolferion
Added 2 sigs ( Darfins and mine ) .. I used a new style there. Please write your comments about last 2 sigs. I would like know what you think about new style =)

 #8072  by Grimm
i like them, ur good sirion

wut brushes did u use, specialy for ronins?

 #8080  by Wolferion
Thank you for your comment.. It is hard to say, i added them so long time ago and dont remember their names. I will try to look if i could find their name. If i find, i will post it there... I know you could use the same brushes ( the same image of background ).. But we all signature makers can use the same brushes but have different image, because have different style =)

 #8372  by saunby
they're cool, im useless at photoshop, let alone creating animated ones XD