Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #40338  by Necros
After much work and turmoil, I've finally created my first skin. I know, it probably looks really cheap looking but it's my baby :D I might revamp later on if I feel like it, but for now, I really like the way it's turned out it's definately gonna work for me. So give it a dl if you don't want to be staring at Kyle when you're talking to me :D

Here's some screenies as a preview:



And you can download the .pk3 at:

Thank you and have a good day.

 #40365  by Cross
great job necros :) it's nice looking skin 8)

 #40448  by FlapJack23
It's pretty good. :D

The back is really awesome, but from the screen shot the front seems messy.

 #40715  by Necros
Alright, so that first one was a....test shall we say. This! This is a much better skin imo. It's actually a skin of my own so you just have to hit /model necros now :D Anyways, here's a little preview of it:


And you can download the thing here: ... einfo.html

Now hurry up and download so you're not talking to Kyle anymore!

 #40743  by BadWolf


lol looks kewl xD

 #40746  by Eagle
cool dude =)

 #41794  by Necros ... einfo.html

Yea yea, you thought I was done didn't you? Well you were wrong. Seeing how quickly I get tired of things, I got tired of that last skin and made myself a new one. No screenies atm cuz I'm far too lazy to upload them me on this ^^

 #41825  by Falcon
i hate you.

 #41828  by Necros
I love you too Fally ^^

 #42320  by Necros
Okay, hopefully this is my last update for a while o_o

Umm...if you really want it, get it here. If not, well then...don' screenies again so just trust me....again....

See ya all later ^^ ... einfo.html

 #46990  by Necros
So after much procrastination on my part...and not getting the sounds I want but not caring anymore....I present!!!!;1 ... einfo.html

SEXINESS!!! Lol. If you want to see what it looks like beforehand, look at my avatar kthx.

 #46999  by jawfin
Hmm, u look a lot like yoda in ur avatar; schmexy avatar tho ;)

 #47003  by Necros
Lolz, no clue why you're saying that Jawfeh.

 #47006  by Rugg
about frigin time :shock:

 #51519  by Necros
I've finally done it!!! I've fixed everything. The bots, the faces, the skins, EVERYTHING!!! Necros, is truly complete now *Crosses fingers that he really did get everything done right* I'd like to really thank Jawfeh, cuz if it wasn't for him, this skin wouldn't be nearly as good as it's turned out to be, so cheers mate :)

Here, have some screenies:



And introducing, the Dark Skin of Necros :o


Now that that's all done, you can finally get the Necros skin on the Downloads Page or in the big fancy annoucement in this forum about the big skin list, that someone really cool made. Yea, you should go there and get it now :D

 #51529  by jawfin
Looking even better Nec - I <3 teh flashy eyes :P

OT: Fal, is empty; if you say where your skin is I can update the master list

 #51542  by Rugg
nice Nec, wicked pissah (very good) :mrgreen: