well basically this is a ood way to do easy reflections guys ul like it
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes if that
Lets start then shall we
You will need a font that is really good looking, i went for japenese style font u can get it here the font here
and then make a 500x500 canvas and then make the background any colour guys , insert a good japenese letter u like
Now we need to spruce it up a lil
Heres the settings i used.
Now these
Gradient settings
My results lol
Now we need to make a duplicate of that layer we just srpuced up, call the layer you srpuced up main and then ctrl+j it and then hit ctrl+t and then right click and vertical it and make sure its in line with the top one, it doesnt matter if it goes beyound the canvas guys just let it u wont need the rest.
like so:
Now click the following after this is complete and il walk you through it
Now from here ul have to go to gradient ( not in layer) on the same panel as the quick mask u just did ok
Now allways remember that you can re do this as many times as you like by just hitting ctrl+z and it will go back a step or go through the history tab and go backwards ok?
now make a gradient and make sure you have black to white in the top guys ad then make a selection like so and make sure u drag it past were it tells you to ( basically go of the canvas)
then basically get of your quick mask by doing the following ****Dont read the image instructions but hit the button next to what it pointing to ok?****
This will take quick mask of and leave you with a selection like so
Make sure its exactly like that ro something very close to it or you could run into problems ok?
Now just basically start pressing the backspace key and it will slowly start to fade away and then design a background for it guys thats all i did really and this si one of my old tuts so dont mind my version of the design lol
Hope you enjoy this and hope i see some one trying it and posting there results if anyone wants a more detailed tut let me no and il arrange it ok
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes if that
Lets start then shall we
You will need a font that is really good looking, i went for japenese style font u can get it here the font here
and then make a 500x500 canvas and then make the background any colour guys , insert a good japenese letter u like
Now we need to spruce it up a lil
Heres the settings i used.
Now these
Gradient settings
My results lol
Now we need to make a duplicate of that layer we just srpuced up, call the layer you srpuced up main and then ctrl+j it and then hit ctrl+t and then right click and vertical it and make sure its in line with the top one, it doesnt matter if it goes beyound the canvas guys just let it u wont need the rest.
like so:
Now click the following after this is complete and il walk you through it
Now from here ul have to go to gradient ( not in layer) on the same panel as the quick mask u just did ok
Now allways remember that you can re do this as many times as you like by just hitting ctrl+z and it will go back a step or go through the history tab and go backwards ok?
now make a gradient and make sure you have black to white in the top guys ad then make a selection like so and make sure u drag it past were it tells you to ( basically go of the canvas)
then basically get of your quick mask by doing the following ****Dont read the image instructions but hit the button next to what it pointing to ok?****
This will take quick mask of and leave you with a selection like so
Make sure its exactly like that ro something very close to it or you could run into problems ok?
Now just basically start pressing the backspace key and it will slowly start to fade away and then design a background for it guys thats all i did really and this si one of my old tuts so dont mind my version of the design lol
Hope you enjoy this and hope i see some one trying it and posting there results if anyone wants a more detailed tut let me no and il arrange it ok